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WARNING:: if you are a child under 12 (you shouldn't even be on whattpad but that's none of my business🐸☕️.... jk luh ya) DO NOT READ!!!!!!!


"Mom I'm fine, I'll be fine walking home" I say as I chuckle to myself. "Ok...Ok...Ok Mom.I love you too.. Mom. Mom. Bye"I start to walk home with the nice spring weather.

"It's staring to get real dark..." I mumble to myself and the sun starts to set. Once it's almost pitch black I start to hear foot steps behind me. I look back and see a tall muscular black figure speed walking towards me.

I quickly looked back and the figure starts to charge at me. I start to run as fast as my legs could carry me. All of a sudden it jumps on me and I fall to the ground with a 'oomph'.

I tried to scream, but he covered my mouth with his huge hand and flipped me over ."Ahhhh" a low scratchy voice said "Boss is gonna make a lot of money off of you" he laughed out loud an picked me up.

I tried to scream but it was useless. He threw me in his truck and put something on my face. As the bitter smell put me in deeper and deeper sleep he said "But first! I want to try you out for myself" he crackled. I closed my eyes to him pulling down his pants and lifting my shirt.


"... but nice job. Oh I think she's waking up" an unfamiliar voice said about 5 feet away.

I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back. I look down and I was full frontal naked. "Oh shit!" I whisper yell to myself. I try to struggle but the only thing that moved are my goods,if you know what I mean.

"Well hello there beautiful" says a guy that I don't recognize.

No response.

"Are you aware that your naked" he said with a smirk.

No response.

"Boss, she's not saying anything" the guy, that I'm assuming is the one who kidnapped me, said.

"Don't you think I know that Scar" this 'boss' character said.

"We should just bring her to the office so we can examine and ask questions" Scar said.

"I'll never answer a single question" I growl at them, trying to seem strong. Obviously failing because he kneeled down to where I was.

"Ah, she speaks!" Boss says, "and don't worry we can be very persuasive" he says as he grins at me and shouts:

"Bring her to the office!". All of a sudden Scar picks me up and I try my best to get out of the ropes.


Well this sucks. I'm literally tied to a bed in the middle of an 'office'.

"Ok sweet cheeks" he says while looking at my tosh," what is your bra size" is this guy serious?! What kind of question?!

"Excuse me?".

"What is your bra size, you can't be that dumb".

"Excuse me! You don't have the right to ask me that question you dumb prick!!".

"Well this 'dumb prick' now owns you. So I suggest u tell me before something bad happens" he said. You could basically see the smoke coming out of his ears, but I wasn't about to back away now.

"You don't own me you piece of shit, and go ahead paper cuts don't even hurt me!"
I internally face palm myself. Oh god why did I just say that.

"Oh so you want to do it the hard way" he chuckles " ok then don't say I didn't warn you" and snapped his fingers. Almost immediately two guys come out from the corner. He makes a little hand signal with his hand and the first guy comes and forces my legs open.

"Do it until she tells us".

Wait I'm confused do what? I look down and see my naked body and the second guy taking off his pants... Oh wait....

"NO! NO! YOU CANT DO THIS! IM JUST A VIRGIN!" I scream as the second guy smirked and said "Now this will be fun".

The first guy put my knees next to my head I looked down at the second guys... Well... You know. I almost fainted . THAT THING WAS ALMOST AS LONG AS MY ARM!

"No no no no....please" my voice cracks trying to get them to have compassion.

He doesn't listen and jabs himself inside of me. I scream so loud all of Asia could of heard me. Pain coursed through my body and blood tricked down my vag as he pounds me.

"This could have never happened if you would just answer my question. It was petty too. Most girls just answer right away. But you have to go through all of this. It's going to take a lot just to break you in" he laughs " just tell mr the size we need to keep you tight".

"It's a double D" I choke out. But he doesn't stop. He just goes in deeper.

"How much do you weight".



"What's your ethnicity".

"Jamaican and white" I say out of breath.


"Last question, what's your name".

"Vanessa" I say about to pass out.


"Ok you can stop Gabe".

"Aww man her walls were so tight" Gabe says as he looks at me lustfully "I get her next time man" I hear someone say.

As I'm about to pass out the boss said "Aw, sweet cheeks ...just getting started. This is the beginning of the rest of your life" and I was swallowed by darkness.


Hi guys!! I know what your thinking.


wellll..... I have an explanation
This is just you know... A base. I don't know about you, but I hate when books main character always talks about how their past and how it 'defined them' and you don't figure out their past until towards the end of the book or never,........ CAUSE I DO!

This book is mostly about love and trusting someone again so please PLEASE keep reading
I promise you you won't regret it!
But just saying in the summary box thing it said mature content and I warned you about it before the chapter........... Just say'nnn.


I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE (once we get close I'll figure out a name for y'all)


(p.s. no I'm not emo)

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