chapter 1

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crystal p.o.v 

I was contemplating whether or not to do it, it was so tempting it felt so good how the metal grazed your skin it made you forget about everything it made everything peaceful it made everything seem so easy its painful at first but once you do it everyday you just get use to it kinda like I was when you've been bullied as much as a I have and you've been called so many ugly things when you walk the halls of school and everyone is pointing and laughing at you and have no friends because everyone thinks your a freak or there to afraid to hang around with you because there afraid of getting bullied too there's really nothing you can do you can't tell anyone because your to afraid your afraid of what might happen to you or to afraid that no one would believe you or of what your bully might do to you which mine happens to be Justin Bieber the most popular kid of school him and his best friends Chaz Smores and Ryan Butler my bullies and to be quite honest cutting made me feel like a different person it made me forget for a moment that I was never bullied that for once I had a perfect life that I was just a normal person but that only lasted a mere two minutes before the blood started to drip and I had to tend of my wound I raped a few gusses around my wrist and carelessly threw the razor to its usual place were it always was on my night stand I was about to go to sleep when I heard Mandy come in (my sister) she was my only true friend but she still had no idea that I cut and I was bullied actually no one knew but me it was kind of a secret I mean if anyone at school would find out they would just make fun of me even more so I didn't tell anyone and they had no clue either way suddenly I heard Mandy speak and I was interrupted from my thoughts I looked at her puzzled and she just laughed then she repeated her self "so what's up kido" I replied kind of quickly and said "nothing I was about to go to sleep" she looked at me kind of suspicious and I gave an awkward laugh she then said "is there anything wrong" "no" I lied,god I hated how she could tell if anything was wrong "I'm just tired" I lied again there was something wrong I wanted so badly to tell her that I cut that I cut because I get bullied and that I have no friends that she's my only friend that everyone at school hates me because I'm different but of course I wasn't about to tell her that instead I lied, Mandy spoke up again " alright crysiy I'll let you go to sleep you have school tomorrow and you need sleep" I rolled my eyes but she didn't see me "goodnight Mandy" "goodnight crysiy" yay tomorrow I was going to school and get bullied some more how fun I'm really looking forward to it ...not I finally went to sleep thinking of what tomorrow would bring me  


Justin P.O.V  

I really didn't know why I did it, I just did, I guess I wanted to fit in with the rest of the crowed, and Crystal really didn't deserve what I did to her but I just couldn't bring my self to stop, she was just any easy target I guess, she never did anything about it she was to afraid of me and my friends and I would to if I were her I guess I did because I was hurting inside and in order to make myself feel good I had to put other people down and knowing Crystal I knew she wouldn't tell anyone to be pretty honest I was disgusted with myself but I couldn't tell my friends, that I wanted to stop that would just make me seem weak and I wasn't going to show them I was weak so I guess I just went along with it, I actually didn't have anything against Crystal she was a nice girl way to nice actually and when she became the new girl our freshman year (1st year of high school) we just automatically started bullying her she never really fit in so there for we bullyed her and when her parents died that just made it way easier to make fun of her and I'm not going to lie she was very hot she had long blonde hair sparkling blue eyes she was thin and short she didn't use make up like all the other girls she had a tanned skin color she was hot she had a nice body I would tap that I mean if I wasn't here bully, I was rudely interrupted from my thoughts when Chaz came barging in my room "sup foo" I said, he sat on my bed grabbing my Xbox controller "nothing I just came see if you up for a round of black ops" this was quite typical of Chaz, he and Ry always came by my house to play some black ops after school but today I wasn't in the mood I really did want to go to sleep and I needed to finish homework or else my stupid teachers would be up my ass all day "nah I'm kinda tired and I need to finish my stupid homework or else Ms.Saint will be up my ass all day"

" you know Justin you could always ditch that class"

"I know but I really need to finish it its worth 50% of my grade"


I resisted the urg to role my eyes when Chaz was about to walk out Ry came in ohh god can this day get any better I was really tiered all I wanted to do was go to sleep but I guess that was to much to ask for? I guess it was  

"what's up bro" I said kinda annoyed 

"nothing much, where are you going" he nodded his head toward Chaz  

"Ima dip cause Justin over there" he nodded his head towards me "is to busy doing homework"  

"alright then do you want a ride" Ry asked  

"sure why not "  

"bye foo" they both called out I waved while calling out a "bye" and with that I turned to go to the bathroom and take a quick shower ,after I was done I raped a towel around my waist and took some boxers out of my drawers and went to sleep

im in love with my bully (justin bieber)Where stories live. Discover now