chapter 2

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Crystal P.O.V

i woke up the next morning feeling a bit better i still wasn't looking forward on going to school i mean who does when they get bullied everyday so anyways i got up and jumped in the shower after i got out i put on new bandages on my wrist i got out some high waisted denim shorts and sliped them on and i got out a knitted sweater and pulled it over my head and to complete the look i put on my black combat boots i really didn't have to do anything with my hair it was long and blonde it wasn't curly but it wasn't straight either so you could say it was wavy so i just put on a black beanie which tide my look together i looked in the mirror and i scrunched up my noes 'eww look at you your ugly your disgusting no wonder no one likes you' that same voice in my head said i turned around to get my backpack and i saw my razor on my night stand, that razor that gave me so much pleasure, that razor that made me forget everything, that razor that i called a friend because it was, it was the only thing that was there for me, it was the only thing that could make me forget everything then again i heard that voice at the back of my head ' do it come on do it you know you want to come just do it before you leave it wont hurt you as much as those people at school do' i stepped forward and reached for the razor it felt so good to have it in my fingers i quickly ran to my door to lock it just to make sure Mandy wouldn't walking on me i then sat on my bed and pulled up my sleeve I then took of my bandages and I ran a finger on the now healing cut from last night and from all the other nights I had many scars on both my wrists I forgot how long I've been cutting I think its been for two years now I would cut once in a while but when my parents died I just started doing it more frequently and it just became a habit of mine and honestly it felt to good to stop and i really didn't want to stop like i said it was like a friend it had become a part of me something no one could ever take away 

I was lifting up my razor contemplating whether or not I should do when that same creepy and mean voice at the back of my head came along again 'oh come on just do it already are you really thinking about it there's nothing to think about you just have to do it come on hurry up before Mandy wakes up' the voice had a point if I was going to do it I needed to do it now before Mandy woke up so with out any hesitation I put the blade to my skin and grazed it wow that felt good and then I did it again I didn't notice that I went kind of deep because blood started to drip a lot I then came back to reality and I saw that I was bleeding 'shit' I said under my breath I threw the razor to its usual place and ran to my bathroom I turned on the sink and put my wrist under the cold water I flinched it stung a little but it was nothing I wasn't use to I left it there for a few seconds and the I finally put on some new bandages as I was walking out of the restroom I glanced up the clock


it was already 7:45 and I had to get to school before 8 , the good thing was that I lived 5 minutes away from school

so that meant I could ditch when ever I wanted and Mandy was never home to catch me so it all worked put good

as I was walking to school I was praying to God that Justin and his crew would leave me alone today or that they just wouldn't show up, as I was walking to my locker at the corner of my eye i caught sight of Justin as he walked up to me and just pushed me agents my locker and i hit hard i think i bruised my eyebrow because i felt an all to familiar substance fall down i brought my hand up and felt my eyebrow yup i had cut it i ran to the restroom to go clean up, from the distans i could here the laughter of the kids and Justin calling out , " aww come on you didn't have fun it was just a joke " as I was running i bumped in to some one and i felt that person tug on me i looked up, oh god just my luck it was Chaz hat did i ever do to them for me to get punished like this i heard Chaz speek up " well look who we have here didn't have enough fun with Justin that you came to me?" 

" No , i mean yah im sorry' i spoke up kind of nervous i tried getting out of his grip to walk alway but it just got titer 

"wow ,wow, wow, where are you going so fast i thought we could have more fun here" ohh great no him to i just want to be home in my bed and never wake up no one would miss me anyways 

soon i was disrupted from my thoughts with a big hit to my jaw ohh that fuckin hurt and then i felt another at the same spot i was going to have a bruise, pretty soon the whole school was crowded around us i was pretty weak to defend myself

if i even tried defending myself i think i would end up worse so i just took the beating after chaz was done with me i just stayed on the ground as everone laughed at me and no one helped me i just sat there crying my eyes out  all i felt was pain my stumache hurt my jaw was bruesd my eyebrow was slised, im pretty sure i had a black eye shit i tried getting up but i felt someone push me down " what are you doing we're not done here" 


okay so here is the first part of chapter 2 hope you guys like it ill be adding later on bye 

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