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Your birthday

1- wolf

2- fox

3- shadow

4- moon

5- tall

6- bird

7- yellow

8- blue

9- fire

10- red

11- russet

12- river

13- runner

14- leaf

15- bark

16- sharp

17- green

18- light

19- wood

20- shimmer

21- crouch

22- shine

23- pelt

24- fallen

25- cold

26- sun

27- wind

28- flower

29- no

30- fluffy

31- fur

Month of birthday

January- fang

Febuary- claw

March- marsh

April- leaves

May- berry

June- pelt

July- flower (sorry if you get furfur)

August- fur (sorry if you get fur fur)

September- tree

October- spice

November- eyes (sorry if you gat something weard like fluffyeyes)

December- sky

I am fallenmarsh! Who are you? Please put who you arw in the commets! Moonlight out.

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