ch3 (school)

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Zoe's POV


"you can drop me off here, please" I asked the driver

"but the school is one block away" dad said

"its ok I can walk" I said

"Zoe are you embarrassed of being rich" dad said

"no, its just that I'm seventeen and I have my license, I should be able to drive my own car" I complained

"sir, would you like me to drop her off like she said or continue to drive her to the school" liam the driver said

he looked at me and took a few minutes to decide

"take her to school today, just so she can be familiar with the route before tomorrow when she gets her birthday present" dad said

I had totally forgotten that tomorrow was my birthday and I was solo excited to see what car he got me

don't ask how I knew it was a car but I did

when I got to school all eyes were on me , no surprise there, I'm super rich and even though I'm seventeen I'm famous

"hey babe" austin said as he snuck up on me

"hi and dont call me babe because I will never be your girlfriend" I said kinda rudely even though I waant trying to be

all you heard around the outaide courtyard were "aww, snap" or "oh, she told him" or even "that dog, he asks every girl out, what makes him think that she would say yes"

I kinda laughed at that one

austin looked at me like I was crazy

"ok, im going to ignore that snicker and just take yky to get your schedule and map of the school" austin said

"ok" is all I said before we were stopped by a girl with blond hair abd one with brown and a dude with sexy black hair

austin kinda growled at my thoughts and since I didnt know what was going on I asked him

"what was that for"

he responed "I dont like those thoughts you were having"

"well im sorry that I cant control my thoughts, oh wait, I can but your not the boss of me or my boyfriend so you cant do anything about it" I said smartly

"oh, she's fiesty" the boy said

"thats beck" austin said

"and im ariana" the light brown haired girl said

"and im amanda" the blond said " were austins friends"

"thats cool" I said

"are you austins girlfriend" ariana said

"no im just his friend" I looked at him "emphasis on friends" I said

he looked a little disappointed

the hot guy beck smirked and brightened up and said flirtingly "so im beck and your.... hot" he checked me out and I realized how attractive he was and automatically felt attracted to him

strangely austin was unaffected by this so I was doubting his fathers acquisition on us being mates

"so you need a guide around the school" amanda said

"sure" I said

"im zoe" I said directing it towarda everyone

"actually amanda, im her guide" austin said trying to look tough and and hot

"ok" amanda said and blushed

"are you two mates" I asked not really meaning to but sometimes I voice my thoughts without relizing it

"yeah but tou know dad thinks your my mate" austin says

amanda frowns and so do I

"we need to tell him something then" I said

amanda just looped her arm through mine and so did ariana

"we are going to get along perfectly" amanda says "yes we are going to be like the three musketeers but girls" ariana says


hey, I feel like an idiot but stupider for not uploading earlier but ive just been so busy so Im sorry and I will try and upload earlier




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