Lorine's Abominate Take Down

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Case 4: Lorine controls the police.

It was the beginning of october 2013, I was in my office drinking a cup of coffee. My girlfriend, Mariah, walked into the room and past me a piece of paper. "What is this?" I asked eying the paper. "Just read it." Mariah said. I read the paper. ".....What! This can't be!" I screamed as I read more. " How did Lorine become PRESIDENT!" "I don't know, but she did it somehow. But the bad thing is that she's coming here!" Mariah said as someone knocked on the door. " Stan Hut!" A body guard said as me and Mariah stood in a line. "Well, if it isnt Detective C." Lorine said to me. "Something tells me this ain't gonna be good." Mariah whispered to me. Lorine walked up to me and said "Its been a year sense you baged me. But I changed! The question is, can you?"

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