Studying. Suprises?!

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The next morning before the new couple woke up. I sneaked off to the gardens with my new book to study about what I am. The garden was beautiful filled with roses colours complementing our hemospectrum.
I arrived at the entrance of a maze and walked on. After almost 15 min I arrive at a beautiful fountain. But the fountain want what suprised me more. It was the roses around it. Rainbow roses. I've never seen such flowers. I felt as if I belonged here.
I shook off this feeling and began reading the book.

~Time skip 6 hours later~

"Damn. So I'm the 2nd rainbow demon."
I continued reading learning that rainbow demons can learn different powers using a type of copycat power all it took was....drinking blood....seriously? I'm not allowed to feed. The Emperor will find out and kill me! Maybe if I told fuck that I will not let him learn demon secrets. Even if they are no good fucking assholes. How could they do this to a fellow demon. To one needing damn help......

"Th3re you ar3. I had a f33ling you would b3 h3r3."

Shit! I looked down to hide the book but it was no longer in my hands.
'The hell?? Where did it go?!'

"H-hello highblood. How may I help you?"

He looked at me. And I saw a smile?! He was smiling!! He actually looked handsome! Wait what am I saying! No no don't trust it. He's hiding something.

"A war is coming. Th3 kingdom of black do3sn't seem to approv3 of allowing you to liv3. Let alone k33ping you to ours3lv3s. So now w3 push your training. Darrius will t3ach you in clos3 Combat. I along with my b3st assasins will t3ach you in w3aponry. My son will assist Darrius."

I knew it...War. This is insane a war all because i was allowed to live? All because of what I am? This is getting out of hand.

"H3ad to the Training block imm3diat3ly. Your training starts in w3aponry today."

He placed his hand on my shoulder. A strange look in his eyes. I saw a lust for blood. He looked foward to this war. To see blood spill on the land. This should have made me feel uneasy. But it didn't. If anything it excited me. I wanted to know more of his dark side.

"Do you lik3 th3 ros3s? I found th3m on my trav3ls.

Was he really talking to me about flowers.

"Yes they are quite lovely. I've never seen such roses before."

He picked one of the flowers handing it to me. It truly was beautiful. I bowed my head and left feeling strange. What is this strange feeling inside me? I just wanted to get away from him. And start on my training for a war I didn't even want to be apart of


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