Chapter One

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I lay my head against the window as the radio plays softly in the background of my mother's car. My mother drives quietly as she sneaks glances at me when she thinks I'm not looking. But I can see. I see the way people look at me. Before it never bothered me. But now it does.
Words people called me. Rather to my face or the hushed whispers as I passed. My whole town knew what happened. He is gone. They couldn't find him. He took off the second the police showed up. As for my boyfriend. Scratch that. Ex-boyfriend never wanted to see my face again. Well that's easy seeing as he is in jail now. He blames me. I would too. It was my idea after all. If I haven't said we should go in there, He wouldn't of showed up. And Jason would of never had to nearly kill him. That part wasn't my fault, I screamed and begged him to stop, he wouldn't. So when the someone called the police after hearing my screams and begs to stop. He ran off, leaving me crying and James breathing angrily.

They thought Jason tried to hurt me. Even though I pleaded to the Judge that he didn't. That something else happened. That it was someone else and that Jason had saved me. They didn't believe me until He showed up at the hospital. All beaten and bloody. Almost dead.  But he didn't die.

The Judge believed me then. But Jason still served time. He got two years. Two years. He has to serve time because he tried to save me. He did save me. As for Him, he got four years for attempted rape. I always thought He was creepy. Always staring at me, finding excuses to talk to me more. I thought He was just strange, but not deranged. I know better now to not trust people on their front but on what we can't see.

I ruined Jason's life. I know that. So does my whole town. I tried to make sure he didn't go into jail just for saving me but I couldn't. I cried for days. No one could get me out of my room. When I did come out, I was given weird stares, I was ignored by even my best friend. The people at school thought that I was lying about what He did to me.  They thought I tried to have sex with him but he wouldn't so I made up a story.  Sarah, my best friend, didn't want to be seen with me, incase people though she was a 'slut' like me. I understand now.

I am a slut. James and I would have sex whenever we could. That's probably why we were so good together. We both couldn't find any one who would willingly have that much sex. There isn't one place where we haven't done it. In the janitors closet in between classes, in bathrooms, empty classrooms, etc.  We were always thinking of more places to go. We were running out of places. His parents never really liked me, since I didn't come from the rich side of town. My mom also didn't like him. He was to much of a 'spoiled rotten rich boy'. He wasn't.

He was the perfect boyfriend. Always showering me with flowers and gifts. Always complimenting me, comforting me on my bad days. He was quite the looker too. He had a 'Golden Boy' look. Golden hair that just blew the right way when he walked. Blue eyes that were as if you were looking in the sky. He was always smiling. I don't think I ever saw him frown. The whole school loved him, the star quarterback. That's why the school hated me. I took away their perfect boy. The schools football team started loosing almost every game. I have no clue how I was so blessed to have this amazing guy as my boyfriend. I wasn't popular. I'm not beautiful, sure I'm not ugly but I'm no goddess.

Throughout all of this one person stayed with me. Trevor, my other best friend. He didn't leave me like Sarah. He was the one person who helped me, he was my anchor.

When the people got tired of the name calling, they moved on to physical abuse. They'd push me or hit me. I went home with many bruises. It got so bad that my mother decided we should move. I agree with her. But I didn't want to leave Trevor. We promised to keep in touch and to Skype every week. I tried to say goodbye to Sarah. Even if she thought I wasn't a friend anymore, you can't just erase years of friendship. She didn't say anything, she just walked away.

Now back to the present. My mother is driving us to the airport. We are moving from the small town of Ligonier, Pennsylvania to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Turning my head so I do not to see the side glances mother is giving me, I lay my head against the window and fall asleep.

-------------------------------------------------This is my first book I've written, I hope you've enjoyed it! I will update whenever I can.

Song to the side: Not About Angels-Birdy


Word Count: 855

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