The New Guardian

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A scythe appeared in front of the crystal. Manny told them to give it to Danny so that he can take his new position as The Spirit of Halloween.

"So how do you want to get him here?" asked Bunny.

"Well I've already sent the yetis to go and get him." After he said that a portal appeared and a bag came through it. Danny phased through the bag and looked to where he was. He saw Jack and said, "Hey if you wanted me to come with you you could've just asked." He looked at the other guardians who were trying to figure out how he went through the bag and asked, "Who are they? More spirits?" "Yeah that's the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, North or Santa as you know him, and Sandy or as you know him Sandman." He looked at them unimpressed as he turned back to Jack, "So why am I here?" North went up to him and said, " You are here because now, you are guardian." He handed the scythe to Danny and when he did Danny knew what he could do with it. All of the sudden North shouted, "Music!!!" Then the ceremony started, there was music, toasting to the new guardian and Danny had had enough. Much like how Jack reacted he slammed his scythe on the ground. Instead of frost there was a green energy blast that went through the ground. Knocking everyone back a few feet.

"First, you kidnapped me now you want me to be this, what. This Spirit of Halloween. No, no, no, I have my own problems to deal with."

He grabbed Jack by the collar and before he could react Danny said, "Take. ME. HOME. Now!!" Complete silence followed. No one moved until Danny finally let go of Jack, sighed, and said, "Sorry, I'm ready to listen now."

Jack looked at North and nodded sending a silent message that said he was ready. North showed Danny around the workshops and gave him the 'What is your center' speech. Of course Danny didn't know what his center was, as expected. Then they heard that nightmares were attacking Amity. Danny looked like he was about to have a heart attack so North just opened a portal and didn't bother with the sleigh. Danny was the first one through and the first one to see the destruction. Buildings were destroyed, people were screaming and nightmares terrorized the kids and adults alike. His eyes turned completely green when he saw Pitch. Pitch turned around and said, "Oh, there you are? The new spirit of Halloween, I have a deal for -" he couldn't finish because Danny had already blasted him into the woods. Jack tried to stop him, but Danny gave him a look that sent a shiver down his spine. Which was saying something because he was Jack Frost after all.

Danny turned to Pitch with his menacing green eyes and said, "You destroy MY town and expect me to listen to you!!!!!" Danny yelled. "Well I've got news for you. No one destroys my town and comes out the way." then he screamed. The loudest thing I had ever heard, Pitch and his nightmares were driven away and Danny stopped. The ring around his waist appeared again changing him back to normal.

"I'm glad that he was in the forest when I did that." he said.

"What was that?" I asked my ears still ringing.

"Sorry, should've warned you first that was my ghostly wail. It takes a lot of energy to do and it's my most powerful ability. It's for emergencies only though because I can only do it for so long and I run out of power."

"Where's your scythe?" I asked.

"It's with my ghost half I'll have it when I change back into Phantom. I need a place to rest." he said looking around. He saw a high branch, flew up to it lied down ,and fell asleep. Sandy tried giving him a good dream, but the sand had no effect on him. We couldn't just leave him there so we took him back to the pole and gave him a place to sleep. I went to check out Danny's new realm, but there was something waiting for me in the darkness.

"Oh, hello Jack. What brings you here?" Pitch growled.

"I could ask you the same thing." said Jack pointing his staff in every direction.

"How angry do you think Danny would be if I kidnapped you, and left your staff at Norths front porch?" asked Pitch with a grin as he knocked him out with his nightmare sand. After that the guardians got a knock at the door and found Jack's staff. Danny found his way to the front door when he heard the knock. He was going to ask who was there, but when he saw the worried faces of the guardians and the staff that Jack never put down. He knew something bad had happened so he turned into Phantom. When he did he had a grey hood on and his scythe in his right hand.

"Where is Pitch?" asked Danny.

"We can't let you go it there alone mate." said Bunny.

"Fine, come, but like my town no one messes with my friends." said Danny.

Bunny used his tunnels to go where Pitch's realm was located, not wanting to pick a fight with Danny. The first thing they saw when they got there was a beaten up Jack Frost chained to a near by wall. He had scratches and bruises all over him and there were rips and tears in his hoodie and pants. He also had marks on his back like he had been whipped. They only knew that because the blood was seeping through his hoodie. Danny was furious, but he knew that they had to get Jack back to the pole to take care of him.

When they got to the pole they put Jack in his room and let Danny take it from there. First Danny carefully took Jack's hoodie off, then cleaned the wounds. He put on the antiseptic effectively waking up Jack. He winced in pain looked around and realized he was safe. Jack let Danny put on the antiseptic and let him heal his wounds with as much energy he could spare.

As Danny put the bandages on Jack asked with a weak smile, "You do this often?"

Danny looked up at him with a sad smile and said, "More than I care to mention."

Danny got up and said "I don't like being on the receiving end of what I'm about to say. I know how it feels, but I have to say it anyway. You NEED to rest." trying to lighten the mood Danny grinned.
Jack tried to sit up, but ended up wincing in pain and having Danny gently push him back down.

Jack Frost and Danny Phantom Spirit of HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now