45. Cheating (Final)

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"Argh......." groaned while before plopping down on my own bed.

I just return from a commercial shooting that takes approximately 4 hours to complete.

I took out my phone and casually surfs on the Internet. I exit my Twitter as I press on the Messages icon.
........Taehyung...... He haven't replied to my text yet......

We've been dating for 7 years, but still acted like our first month together, but...... Something is wrong with him in these few days.

I know we couldn't see each other sometimes because I have my own schedule and he have to take care of his parent's company but..... There's no way his feelings changed right?

I shake my head off, maybe I'm thinking too much.

I hugged Tae Jr as I began to turned off my phone.

I let out a sigh,.... a lot of things happened in these few years. All of us graduated Universities and have our own job. All of BTS take over their families's company while me, BamBam, and Yugyeom still continued our job as artists.
Jin and Miyoung was still together, so is Jimin and Yoonji.

A sudden ringtone interrupted my thoughts, I hope it's Taehyung!!!

I picked up the phone, a slight frown appear on my lips...... It was just Miyoung.....

Me: hello, Miyoung-ah!

Miyoung: Hi....Jinhee....

Me: You alright? What's wrong with your voice?

Miyoung:......Jinhee-ah.....Promise me you'll be calm, okay?"

Me: Be calm? Why? I am calm! Tell me, did something happened? Are you hurt??

Miyoung:.....No... But....

Me:.....But what?

Miyoung:.......Jinhee-ah, I was on a date with Jin just now and.... We saw Taehyung wrapping his arms around some girl. We really want to beat him up that time!! And now he took the girl to his house!

Me:.......you're....not joking..... M-Maybe it's not him.... Maybe you're mistaken......

Miyoung: there's no way me mistaken, especially Jin, they've been friends for so lon-


My heart ceased as I turn off the phone. No way..... There's no way Taehyung is cheating on me.... He's not that kind of person.....

A stinging sensation surrounded my heart as I thought of Taehyung bringing another girl home.

I immediately rush downstairs and took my car keys. I ignore my parents' questions before sloppily wearing any random shoes I found.

My head began to hurt as I start the car, I couldn't think straight anymore but just drive as if I was in a race.
Is this why he haven't replied to my calls or text? Is it my fault that he decided to cheat? Is he tired of me now? A tear threaten to fall but I tried my best to hold it back.

I arrive at his house within no time. I parked my car and rush toward the entrance, to my surprise not one single door was locked.

I approached his front door, I could tell someone is in there since the light of his living room was on.

I grab a grip of the doorknob and hold onto it for a while. I didn't want to open it, knowing that I will broke down if I see him with someone else.
......all those years we spent together..... How could he do this to me?

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