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        Joker is running straight toward batman when he batman realized that he jumped high in the air joker grind and grabbed his rocket launder boom it sounded like a cannon blasted but it actually was just the sound of joker fending off batman but the thing the joker did not understand it was dark out and batman fights in the shadows batman slowly kept up on the joker. Batman grabs him and starts choking and breaks his neck cannon blasted  "zoom flash was coming" batman said. He sticks out his arm and clothes lined black atom .
     Aquaman stayed in the bottom of the river in witch everyone drinks at. bane goes down to take a drink when a spear goes straight through his head killing him almost instantly  a cannon blasted but aquaman knew it was bane .another two cannons went with night approaching the emblem shows with music the fallen tributes hawk man, joker,bane,black atom 14 tributes left.

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