*Chapter two* I must not tell lies.

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"Harry! Ron!"

I give the biggest smile possible, My teeth making quite the apparence! Just seeing my two best friends sends me over the edge with joy. I hadn't seen either of them all summer. Harrys emerald eyes and raven hair have barely changed, And Ron's fiery ginger hair still burns bright. The same look of playfullness stuck on his face. Harry opens his arms wide, a look of pure joy on his face. I run into his warm arms. A sense of comfort washes over me. I take a quick peek over at Ron and notice him giving Harry quite the unpleasant look. Whats up with him?

"Hermione how have you been?" Harry asks with a warm smile. "Great! My parents spent most of the time at their dentist's office so I had loads of time to study." A hint of amusement in his voice as he replies "You have'nt changed a bit have you?" "No sir!" I joke. Giving him a light nudge.

Once we arrive at the castle, Everyone shuffles to the grand hall. I say hi to Luna and Nevel. Dumbledore gives his usual speech. First years get sorted to their houses by the sorting hat. It feels like just yesterday that was me. Like I had never left.

Whilst where heading up the stairs to the grifindoor dorms, Ron still hasn't said a word to me! I clear my throat trying to get his attention, all I get is a look full of disappointment. What did I do? I'm interrupted from my thoughts when we suddenly arrive at the dormitory. Percy weasly (Rons older brother) says the password to the fat lady. The painting slowly opens. I decide it's best to rush up to the girls side of the house before things get awkward. Blurs of the red velour pillows and grand fire places, Red carpeting flash past me. Without even a good night I race up the coblestone stair case. Before I can close the door my ears catch Ron wisper to Harry "I have something very important to tell you"

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