Autumn leaves and Oak trees.

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*Authors note * Oh my goodness thank you guys sooo much! I love you so so so much!! I wasn't updating as much because I thought I was writing to no one!! abut 23 whole reads!?!?!? This is so much more than I've ever imagine!! :) :) I promise to either update every second or third day! :) Maybe sooner. I love you all more than I can type! Here's your chapter :* One comment maybe?

*Nevels P.OV.* "What do you think Hermione would do if I told her I fancied her?" O.k. What?! First he calls her 'Hermione' and now he fancies her?!? Ok ok what memo did I miss? Not really knowing how to reply to malfoy of all people about how a girl he's supposed to hate, likes him? Or doesn't?! Nevel is confused. Nevel also talks to himself in third person. Oh hush you stupid voice! I'm you nevel! Oh right....I am one strange child. What can I say?

"Uhhumm I don't really know Draco" I say being completely honest. What else would I say? 'Oh yeah Draco I bet she'll love you! No matter, you've bullied and been a complete ass to her since first year" Yeah I have a feeling that wouldn't fly....

"Oh ok. Just wondering you know? So how about those trees?" What?! I can't help a small laugh escape my lips. 'Trees?'

"Hahaha! Draco what?" I say quite amused. "I-I jjust um pumpkins" Is he hiding something? "Draco is something wrong? " Draco gives me a startled look. Whaaa? "I jusst well umm...Oh my gosh what's happened to me? I can barely speak when she looks at me. I-I can't even help but smile when she laughs! What's happening to me?"

"So that's what all this about! Hermione? I mean she's great but where just friends."

"That's another thing I'm tired of saying! 'We're just friends' Why can't we be more? She just tugs on my heart, like she's pulling a string"

Awwe Dracos got it baaad. I just wish Hermione would feel the same way. The poor boy's crazy for her! Sadly he's not the only one crazy for her.

"Man what's am I falling into? Is this some sort of a trap. " Draco wispers with a desprate look. I sigh and reply.

"No Draco. Not a trap. Love."

*Hermiones P.OV.

"Now, Miss Granger. If I were to swim underwater for an hour what plant would I need?"

Easy. I loved herbolagie! Learning about plants was so calming. I look strait at Mrs. Pomfree .

"Gillyweed would be the easiest to find and the most convenient." I say with a smile and confidence. "Excellent! Mrs Granger you've earned five points for grifindoor" Mrs. Pomfree says with genuine smile. I look around the green house to see all of the other grifindoors happy aswell. "Alright class that is all. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon. We will be studying mandrakes." Groans and looks of disappointment flash across the classroom. What's wrong with mandrakes? I simply shake it off and head twords the field for free period.

On the way to the field I couldn't shake the feeling of having a pair of eyes on me. I swear I need more sleep and less studying! Brushing it off I take a seat under a tall oak tree. Today was so beautiful. The way the leaves were just beginning to fall. The trees had become beautiful mosaics of red and yellow. The breeze not warm but not cold either. Sigh I really loved autumn.

I was pulled from my thoughts, by none other than the cold voice of Draco Malfoy.

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