Chapter 1

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It was the sweet crisp September of 1965. The September that will change my life forever, the September I met the love of my life.

My friend, Louis and I walked down the sidewalk to our school. We were chatting over how they are going to let colored kids come to our school this year. We had never heard of anything like this before, so this would be a new experience for us.

"What if they are right, what if their not smart at all?" Louis asked.

"Well, then, that would give us new jokes to laugh at!" I said trying to look at the bright side of things. I was never very fond of colored people, until it happened. Louis and I walked to school and the most splendid thing was there. There were colored kids, white kids, all together. Yet, not really.

The colored kids were on one side of the school lawn, and the white kids were on the other. I really didn't expect any difference though, it's not like they mix any other place. I walked passed the colored kids and heavily stared at them, just curious about these new people in my school.

And as I skimmed through the crowd of colored kids, one caught my eye. She was beautiful, her hair was in a bob, and she had a white dress with cherries all over it. There was a red headband in her hair, and she had on red lipstick. My heart jumped up to my throat and then dropped to my stomach.

"What you looking at?" Louis asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing..." I said, putting my focus back to where I was walking. But once I did, it was too late. I realized I was heading straight for the flag pole. The hard medal pole collided with my forehead making me fall back, and it all went black from there.


"Are you ok?" I heard a girl ask.

"I don't think he's ok Susie!" Another girl snapped.  I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying on the ground, and I could see four figures looking at me laying down. Once the room finally stopped spinning, I found Louis, my friend Niall, and two colored girls looking down at me with worry.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" The beauty asked holding up her fingers, I was too busy staring at her beauty then counting her fingers.

"Well he isn't an idiot!" The other girl snapped again, I guessed she was her friend.

"Four?" I said, staring into her eyes.

"I think he'll be ok..." The girl said. I rubbed my head and then got up and dusted off my pants.

"Well, I guess we'll be going..." The other girl said and they began to walk away.

"Wait!" I said quickly stopping them. They turned around slowly, looking a little scared. Why were they so afraid of me.

"I'm sorry if I was rude to you..." Susie said looking at the floor, and I realized. I'm white, and their colored. I could lock them up if I wanted to.

"No.... no.... you weren't rude. I just wanted to know what your names are... and thank you properly for helping me..." I said.

"Susie..." Said the pretty one, putting on a shy smirk.

"Riley..." The other one said, a little nervous.

"Thank you Susie and Riley..." I said with a smirk, they nodded and then quickly walked away. They had a big walls up for me, just because I was white. I wanted to break down those walls and just envelope Susie in hugs and kisses, and I only knew her all of five minutes.

"Your welcome..." Louis snapped, obviously offended I did not say thank you to him too.

"Sorry Louis, thank you..." I said with a chuckle then Louis and I continued walking into school.


~Susie POV~

"What were you thinking?" Riley scolded.

"What?" I asked, trying to pretend like I didn't know what my best friend Riley was talking about. I knew we shouldn't have walked up to that white boy and helped him. We could have got-

"We could have got locked up!" Riley scolded breaking me out of my thoughts. The thought of going to jail raised goose bumps all over my body.

"He was knocked out, for all we know he could have thought we did that to him!" Riley yelled as we walked into the school. I saw a very clean school, and we passed through the hallways.  Riley went on and on about jail and about avoid white people, but I wasn't listening.

This school was way too interesting. It was clean with white walls and red tile along the hallways. Red lockers lined the hallways, and there was black and white checkered floors. I fixed my red cardigan onto my shoulder and looked around.

"Are you even listening?" Riley asked, and I looked at her cluelessly.

"Are you kidding me? Your not listening? This is important! We could have gotten in trouble!" Riley said, then she went back to her scolding and I drowned her out again. As I passed by I saw a water fountain that said white and a water fountain that said colored.

The water fountain that said white was clean and polished, but the one that said colored was nasty and dirty. The water fountain that had the sign that said colored was probably the dirtiest thing in this school. A white boy was drinking water at the white fountain, and a colored boy went to the one next to him that said colored. The white boy quickly stopped drinking water and walked away.

I frowned, I don't know why colors couldn't just come together and be friends. Maybe even fall in love with each other. But that kind of stuff doesn't even happen in the movies, what a stupid idea...

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