Story Time with Rin Kiryu, Sally Susan and Bela Talbot.
This is a story about a girl called Nadine McGregor .
She walks into a tree
Then she sees something and says "OMG WTH IS THAT!?!?!?!?!?"
It was an ant.
She ran away yelling "MOMMY!!!"
The ant watched and said "LOL ROFL LMAO HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then got eaten by a grasshopper
Then the grasshopper said "NOM NOM NOM"
Then the grasshopper was eaten by a spider
The spider said "ew. Too green" :O
Rin Kiryu, Bela Talbot and Sally Susan stood and watched DA WHOLE FING
They all said at the same time "ewwwww"
They all turned around and ran away
They all ran into trees
Then they saw something and said "OMFG!"
It was a rainbow flying pig...
They all poked it with sticks!
The sticks went into the pig and were swallowed into its skin.
The three girls jumped back and screamed in horror at the same time.
The wings of the pig magically hit them in the face.
The pig grew legs
And arms
And a face
And soon wasn't a pig anymore
Lucky pig
It was a human, a boy with sticks jabbed in his stomach...
"OMFG IT'S A SHAPESHIFTER!!" Yelled Rin and Bela at the same time.
Sally was rolling on the floor laughing because it had turned into Fred Freddy
Rin and Bela screamed in horror and covered their eyes with their hands.
Sally was still laughing really hard and still rolling on the floor.
Fred ran into the forest screaming like a little girl.