Chapter 3

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At about 1:30 in the morning there is next to no traffic on the freeway so we pulled up to the Harpen building in about twenty minutes. I had never been here before and now I saw why. The building had a wire fence going around it with a security booth at the front gate. Gavin pulled up to the gate and showed the other army guy at the booth some kind of badge. The army guy nodded and hit a button inside his booth. The gate slowly swung open and Gavin pulled through carefully. The building sat in front of us, tall and looming. I knew it had to be about ten stories high a least. Not the tallest building downtown, but still it was tall. Gavin pulled around to another fence, but this one blocked us from a tunnel like the kind to go into parking garages underground. Another armed guard stood there and I was starting to get majorly freaked out. This was a bad idea. My heart was pounding and I had an urge to chew my finger nails like I always did when I was nervous. Gavin pulled past the guard and into the tunnel which was only lit by orange glowing lights that lined the walls. After about a minute the walls disappeared leaving a wide open parking garage. I looked around seeing lots of military vehicles and truck. Off to the left, the walls  narrow into a path, large enough for a huge truck, that curved so that I can't see what's at the end. Gavin pulled the truck to the path and parked it. He hopped out and came around to open my door. I unbuckled and hopped down. Gavin lead me over passed the path to a set of doors. He pulled open the first one and motioned me in front of him. I walked in a glanced around. We were in what kinda looked like a lobby, It was small with a few chairs and another security desk. Gavin showed the guard his badge for the third time and he nodded pushing a button that opened the double doors behind him. We slipped through and into a hallway. On the right was a door and an elevator with only an up button. On the left was a two doors and an elevator with only an down button. Gavin walked up to the door on the right and slid his badge into a little slot, like the kind on hotel room doors. The little light above turned green and the door swung open. We walked in onto what appeared to be a walk way going all around the room with a few windows and doors scattered around. The walk way was metal, about wide enough for six people to walk side by side, and had metal ladders going down about thirty feet to the floor below. I walked up to the railing and peered over. What I saw made me flinched and become very confused. I flinched because down below was about two dozen army guys staring right at me. All of them. Confused because there were 6 cars sitting on the floor all around. I didn't know much about cars, but there was one of those cab parts from an 18 wheeler type truck, a search and rescue hummer, two "box" type cars, a corvette of some kind, and the truck from earlier. I turned to stare wide eyed at Gavin. "What the hell is going on?" I asked him. "Come with me." He said and walked over to one of the metal ladders. He quickly made his decent and motioned me to follow. After a second's hesitation I did. When I got to the bottom all the army men were still staring at me and it was really creeping me out. "Kaylyn Dersin?" A Army guy asked pushing his way to the front of the gawking soldiers. I nodded weakly. "I'm Colonel William Lennox." He said and held out a hand. I gingerly shook it, still incredibly confused. "Kaylyn this is very difficult to explain, but first I need to ask you, what do you think about these cars, each of them?" He asked giving me an odd look. "Ummm..."  I trailed off and walked towards the closest one. One of the box cars. "Honestly?" I asked looking back at Colonel Lennox. He nodded. I felt pretty stupid with what I was about to say, but he wanted me to be honest. "Not a car. Not a car. Not a car. None of these cars are cars. Don't ask me what I mean or how I know, because I have no clue." I told him and turned back. Everyone was gawking now. Including Colonel Lennox and Gavin. "That enough proof for ya?" Colonel Lennox asked glancing behind him. I frowned. Who was he talking to? There was no one behind him. Just two of the cars. The truck and the 18 wheeler part. "Go for it. She needs to see it." He said. What happened next is practically indescribable. There was a bunch of clicks and whirs and pops and all kind of odd noise and then the 18 wheeler thing exploded. Not really, but that's what it sounded like and kind of looked like. Pieces started movies and shifting until they stopped. When they did I looked up and my jaw dropped. Literally. Standing in front of me was a thirty- something foot tall, giant... robot. Holy shit. Was all I could think. Over and over and over. I may have been saying it out loud but I'm pretty sure it was only in my head. "Do not fear little one." The giant robot said and slowly bent down to get closer to me. "I am Optimus Prime and this is my team of Autobots." He.. it.. said. Then all the other cars in the room... transformed.

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