Chapter 3

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"Tommy, who was that?" I asked Tommy as he put my phone down on the breakfast bar.

"Don't know," He shrugged. "They just hung up."

"Oh, must be a wrong number or something," I mumbled as I had just finished putting dinner on the table.

While Tommy and I ate dinner, I found it astonishing how my six year old son and I could have intellectual conversations at his age. Okay, I'm not saying intellectual like about politics and stuff, but you know, normal conversation.

After dinner, I made Tommy take a bath while I finished some work stuff.

I actually really love my job. I'm the fashion editor for Cosmopolitan magazine. I know right. Crazy how a twenty-two year old is an editor of a magazine section, but I worked really hard to get to where I am, and I make more than enough to support both Tommy and I.

While typing out a draft, my phone started ringing.

"Hello, this is Emmiey," I said into the receiver as I continued to type.

"Hey, hotstuff!"

"Oh, hey, Johnson," I laughed at the old childhood name Jack gave me when we were sixteen.

"How you doing?"

"I'm good, good and yourself?" I asked.

"I'm good. Anyways, so me, Sammy and Nate were thinking that you should come over tomorrow night. They wanna see you again. Oh, and bring the little man too. They wanna meet their nephew."

"Tomorrow? Uh...I don't know," I said reluctantly. "I mean, Tommy has Tennis from four till five and then he has his optometrist and orthodontist check-up."

"Damn, and I thought my mom had baby issues."

"Shut up," I mumbled at his snickering.

"But seriously though. Please come?"

"Alright, alright," I agreed.

"Yess! The guys are gonna be so stoked!"

"Mommy! The history documentary is on!" I heard Tommy shriek from downstairs.

"Yeah, yeah, okay," I giggled. "Anyways, gotta go. See you tomorrow?"

"Yep. Six o'clock. I'll message you other deats."

"Sounds good. Love you, J."

"Love you too, Em. Give Tommy a big hug from me and the guys."

"Kay, will do. Byyee."

After that, the call was disconnected.


"Alright, just a second!" I called back before saving my draft and then closing my Mac before heading downstairs.

In the TV room, Tommy had already settled down in his pyjamas and a blanket and was waiting for me with a packet of Skittles, our favourite candy.

There was no doubt in my mind that my son was going to be as intelligent as hell one day. I mean, normal six year olds would want to be watching cartoons or whatever, but he was honestly deeply interested in the subjects of history and biology. And damn, he hasn't even started grade school yet.

As we sat watching the documentary, I couldn't help but slightly wonder about Jack. Has Johnson told him about Tommy actually being his? Does he even care? Of course he doesn't. Who am I kidding. I looked down at my baby boy who was already asleep in my arms.

Baby Gilinsky // Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now