That kid thats in a duo and raps

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Y/n=Your name

Y/n get down these stairs right now
Your running late
I quickly shot my mascara,foundation and blusher
In my bag and ran out into my mams car
I shot my earphones in and within 5 minutes i
Arroved at school
Im notnthat bothered about school tbh
Its just the early mornings i hate
I hoped out the car and i was
Greeted by my friends Polly,Meg,Tegan,Holl
Abbey and a few others
I dont like to brag but im one of the popular
I get asked out like 10 times a day
But im not complainingi love the attention
*dong* *ding* the bell rang
I hurried inside the building and headed for tutor
I took a seat beside Holl and had out morning gossip
When a boy walked in all the girls went full
on flirt mode
Idk why tbh hes alright looking not perfect
Nobodys perfect
"Y/n"Miss called
"Yes miss?" I replied
"This is the new boy,Leondre i need you to
show him around for me
Heres his time table dont set a bad example"
"Me a bad example miss?Don't be silly im good as gold
The class laughed
"Leondre go sit over there near y/n"
miss said
"Okay"Leondre replied
*ding* *ding* the bell went

"Oh your in math now your in my class cmon
You can walk with us"
"This schools so big!"Leondre said
"yeah it doesnt seem that big when you get
used to it youll be fine"

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