Chapter 6: Janey

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I wake up to the unfamiliar lighting of the new house. For the brief moment before I woke up, I actually thought I was waking up in my old bed, in my old room. That's when I woke up. I lay still, allowing my head to be absorbed into the pillow. I try to cover my head with the duvet, but it's no use, I'm up for good.

The clock reads 7:23 in the morning causing a groan to arise from my throat. Usually I can sleep for hours on end, my record is three thirty in the afternoon and even then mom woke me up.

Mom. She was the first one I saw in the morning. She'd wake me up, she'd make me breakfast and make sure the day had a plan that pleased everyone.

I get up, listening to the birds chirping outside, the bed sheets ruffling as I move and the sound of my knotted hair cascading down my shoulders. I walk over to the shades and pull open the curtains to reveal the sunny sight of the front street. Everything is alive, the green leaves and the colourful blossoms from the neighbours yard. Suddenly a movement catches my sight and draws my attention to the far right of the other side of the road.

A boy, probably from his broad body figure stands alone, his gaze fixated on the sun that is beginning to rise from behind the house. He's taller than average, but that's all I can tell from this distance. Suddenly his gaze jumps to mine and he freezes, stuck in time. I cannot tell any facial features, his hood is up and the blinding sunlight casts white onto his face.

I feel my face go concerned. Who is he? What does he want? I side step out of the view on the window, slowly peeking out, he's still there. You're going paranoid, just breath Janey.

"Hey, good morning Janey," my dad pops in, "I thought I heard you up."

I let my gaze drift from the man and smile, "hey dad." My voice is weak, so I fake yawn to cover it up. Something is still nagging at the back of my mind, the man. His existence puzzles me. I feel unsafe with him out there even though I know he may not even be real.

"I was wondering if you could run to the store, we have nothing in the fridge," my dad casually suggests and I silently sigh at the idea of walking outside, alone, where the man stands. Plus I'm sort of lazy and just want a day to relax, but I can't exactly say, I'm too lazy.

I'm about to tell him about him, but when I turn back, he's gone, as if he'd never been there at all. As if I'm going mad. My eyes playing tricks. My mind falling for it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I stare out the window, each time I blink, I expect the man to be back, to be watching and stalking me.

I suddenly feel small, but muster up a voice to respond to my dad, "Sure, just make a list and leave some cash in the kitchen and I'll be on it," I check one more time to make sure the man is still gone. He is, and I turn away, blocking it out of my mind.

I push that all aside and head to my closet where I have begun to organize my clothes. Out of laziness, I throw on a pair of soft leggings and a red plaid shirt, later throwing my hair into an explosive pony tail, not caring about my appearance. Who's gonna see you anyways? I try to find my lip balm which I'm sure I put in my purse, but is seems to have disappeared. I give up the search and move on, I can always buy a new one. I crawl down the stairs slowly and silently not wanting to wake Ryder from his sleep.

Down in the kitchen I snatch the fifty my dad has left on the counter and the note. His printing is messy and quick. From another note left out I learn that he's gone out for a run to get the lay of the land.

Wow, you can go on a run, but don't have time for groceries. I know the comment is selfish, but it is honestly how I feel. I gaze at the list, trying to figure out how long I'll be. There's not much to buy.

Using my phone, I figure that the store is only a fifteen minute walk away and I decide to go by foot. I could try and dig out my bike and helmet, but riding back with the bags would be a pain in the butt.

Hearing the soft jingle of metal on metal, I slip the house keys into my pocket with the money and my phone and head out. The morning air is crisp. The tiny air particles bite at my skin, raising goose bumps. Part of me wants to go back and jump back into bed, or just grab a scarf and some mittens, but I want this over with and continue on my way.

The grey side walk is stale compared to the neighbours green yards, although some of the houses have yellowing grass like greying hair. Our yard is the most under kept one, there's rotting weeds and the fading grass needs a good cut.

The cold air keeps me on edge. Though the sun is out, the world seems darker, and I keep a steady pace. Calm down Janey, it's not like a murderer is going to jump out at you. Houses pass and gradually I make my way into the most commercial part of town. There are some joggers out, many of which greet me with a friendly hello. I smile oddly at each one of them, my best attempt at being neighbourly.

As I pass the coffee house, the bitter sweet scent of coffee and sweets is picked up by my nose. It's almost like a bakery, my favourite scent and a smile forms on my face as I imagine a pastry in my hands, ready to be eaten. My mouth spurts with saliva, craving something more to eat.

But I only have a fifty, so I tell myself that I must go and do the groceries first, then I can use the left overs for myself. I can't wait for that. When the automatic doors of the store open, a cool breeze hits me and I sigh, thinking to myself, Damn it Janey, you should've brought a jacket.

I hug my arms to my chest and grab a basket, heading into the morning grocery rush.I hope you liked this chapter, if you liked it please vote and I would luv and feedback in the comments... have and AWESOME DAY! :)

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