Sofia X Tasuku!!!!

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SkylaRocket- Hello! everyone I know we were supposed to review another song but... this is more important. Today our OC's won't be joining us and we have another friend joining us.

Zanyaisbae24- Hello everyone.

CrownJewels12- Hi!

Tasuku- Hello.

Sofia- .....

Paruko- Hello everyone I'm Paruko Nanana!

SkylaRocket- Okay everyone is hear. Now we are hear to talk about the preview for the next episode. From what I watched it seems Tasuku goes to the future to save Jackkinfe.

Tasuku- Yes.

SkylaRocket- Good. Cause it's been 11 episodes since then. Anyway... we also see you 3 in a ship? Piloted by Paruko.

Paruko- Yup! Yup!

SkylaRocket- And to the end we see a girl? She looks like Sofia?

Sofia- ......

SkylaRocket- Bit she has the Future Force hair of Tasuku and what looks like a mixture of both your hair colors.

Tasuku- What!

Zanyaisbae- I saw in the comments about the episode about the preview  some comments say that girl maybe a younger Sofia OR Sofia and Tasuku's child.

CrownJewels- I saw that as well but I think the girl being their child is crazy.

SkylaRocket- Tasuku! Please tell me the comments are a lie!

Tasuku- I don't know... but that does sound crazy

Sofia- Agreed it does.

SkylaRocket- Wait but what if the comments are right! And it is your child! *panicking*

Zanyaisbae24- Calm down we won't know tell next week. Which I can't wait for!

SkylaRocket- *sighs* True but all we can do is speculate and hope that isn't Sofia and Tasuku child. And with that we say goodbye.

Zanyaisbae24- Bye everyone

CrownJewel12- Bye

Tasuku- Bye

Paruko- Bye. Bye.

Sofia- ....

SkylaRocket- Bye everyone!
And that's the 9th one-shot hope you enjoyed it!

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