My Eating Disorder

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"Your ugly and fat."

that nasty voice in my head would spat.

"Your sizes to big."

"Why can't you be a pretty little twig?"

Less and less food goes on my plate

soon there wont be as much weight

But still I walk up to the mirror and tears are shed

and my face will start to turn red

The voice in my head comes back

and starts giving me a heart attack.

Less and less meals are ate

soon i'll be skinny enough to go on a date

I wont eat anything for another day

is what I start to say

Soon my head starts to spin

yet i'm starting to be a little thin

So I stop eating for a little bit longer

even though I'm not feeling any stronger

But weaker as the days go by

and my stomach starts to feel dry.

I still keep myself from food

even though I know i'm screwed.

My friends will try to force some food in

but then when I look at it the room begins to spin.

No longer do I need to eat

soon i'll be the fresh new meat.

I'll finally stop crying in the mirror

and people might see me a little bit clearer.

I might be a better looking person

even though my health is starting to worsen......

My Eating DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now