Sophomore Year

I am lost. I thought this year would be different, I thought that I would get more respect from my father but I didn't. Instead I got beaten up with words, not his hands but I wish it'll be more easier than beating my soul, cause my self-esteem is depleated. Micheal is distant now a days. Checks up on me, but not as thoroughly as always. He doesn't know I started again or that I was starving myself or felt gross. Because Micheal has things to take care of South of legal like slanging to support our family. I'm always worried something bad will happen.But cause he's always busy slanging getting fast moneytrying to carry us I don't complain, but I'm worried out here in the streets of Chicago. The kids are wonderful. They're spoiled, they get every thing that they want and love school. Alicia has a crush that's she doesn't want to claim, but we all know she likes him. And the 6th fight I have scheduled this weem is today at 5th period because, even if I'm having a hard time, I'm still going to have my nigga back cause I am not the one. I get straight to it when I'm fighting. I ain't on no sneak shit cause they wanted to fight so know when you see me these hands will be coming your way cause I don't talk to nobody. I work 3 jobs and still get straight A's and I take care of me and Micheal kids. With my dad, he left with thay lady and didn't come back for 4 months when he came back, he said he was going to give me 2,000 to leave with the kids or stay home and take care of them without him ever coming back and with that he left us in this house....

It's 5th period and I'm bout to get to bussin. So the bitch donna was all hyped on my Facebook page talking bout how I'm fake, my hair fake, I'm a hoe and yada yada yada then she was like your boyfriend didn't come home last night cause he was eating me for dinner bitch. I walked up to her put up my deuce and stole off of hers ass.

To be continued

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