Chapter One

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Whispers immediately filled the Great Hall when Draco Malfoy, Prince of Slytherin, walked in with white cat ears and a tail. Those whispers were, of course, broken by the loud guffaws coming from the Gryffindor table, mainly from Ron.

"A tail!" Ron said, choking on his laughter. "A bloody tail!"

Hermione was chastising him, although it was clear that she was trying to hide her own laughter.

As for Harry, well, he was just staring. No expression or emotion crossed his face, yet his gaze was locked directly on Malfoy.

Looking around, Draco seemed to shrink back under the weight of the stares that were aimed at him. His eyes swept over the Hufflepuff table, stopping briefly on Zacharias Smith, who was literally choking, the Ravenclaw table, where Luna was probably going on about gnarlypuffs or whatever invisible animal she believed in now, and the Gryffindor table, over Dean and Seamus snogging the life out of each other- no surprise there- over Ron and Hermione, who had finally given up on hiding her laughter, and stopped on Harry. He wasn't laughing. That was the first thing that caught his attention. He was just staring directly at Malfoy- directly at his ears, as if he would want nothing more than to caress them and pet them.

Now that he noticed, half of the Hall was staring at him like that, but that fact didn't make his stomach turn nervously like the fact that Potter was staring did.

"Um, Drake," Blaise said, looking around. "Why is half of this room looking at you like they want to swallow you whole?"

"If I knew, they wouldn't be looking at me, Blaise."

"Yeah, but, why is Potter staring at you?"

Huffing, Draco glared pointedly at Blaise until he held his hands up in surrender and dove back into his pancakes.

Walking out of the Great Hall, Draco was about to turn down the hallway to get to Charms, when he heard Potter calling after him.

"Malfoy, wait up!"

Rolling his eyes, he stopped and looked over his shoulder to see the "Saviour of the World" chasing after him.

When he had caught up to him, he didn't say anything. Just stared, that same searching, yearning stare that had captivated Draco in the other room.

"Well?" Draco snapped, glaring at him.

Shaking himself out of his trance, Potter opened his mouth to speak, still staring at his ears.

"When... When did these happen?" he asked, reaching out and touching one of them with a soft hand.

Draco jolted, the sensation of Potter's cool fingers on his ears sending electricity singing through his brain.

"I-I don't know, I woke up like this." Draco said, growling softly in the back of his throat and tilting his head forward slowly as Potter slowly began caressing his ears.

(A/N: Ladies, we flawless :3)

"They're-They're-" Whatever Harry was going to say was cut off by Draco coming back to his senses, and throwing the Gryffindor back so forcefully that he almost toppled over.

"If you would keep your hands to yourself, Potter, that would be much appreciated." Draco said snarkily, whirled around with a flourish that he could only have learned from Snape, and headed down the hallway, leaving the Gryffindor standing there, staring after him confusedly.

The second he walked into Charms, he regretted not being the first person there, as every head swung towards him, and half of the class started practically salivating.

The Cat's Purr (Drarry) (Half-Cat!Draco)Where stories live. Discover now