No! No! Noooo!!!!

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Just saying this is continuing from the last chapter they are still at the beach. Oh and I wanted to say when I say draws I mean like chested draws that have her shoes in them. And sorry for the short chapter.

I back away from drake and I didn't know what to do so I started to run back to drake house I ran as fast as my legs could take me I hear him calling my name " GRACE , GRACE, GRACE," I return home and run upstairs " your back already " I hear Leon say but I Ignored him and ran upstairs push the door open locked it and pushed the draws in front of it then I run into the bathroom and lock the door " what have I done I love someone else he is my life not drake " I say out loud to myself that night I ended up crying myself to sleep then I hear some tapping noise out side the bathroom I open the door and it was Elizabeth trying to pick the lock I push the draws out the way and unlock the door "hi " I said tiredly  " why did you run away?" Elizabeth asked " I'm confused I like drake but I kinda love him but I have  someone else in my life " I said to Elizabeth " I am going to bed i am tired" i said again hugging Elizabeth.

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