There's No One Here At All

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"You awake?" A voice said, leaning against the wall. I turned away from my old Harry Potter book, seeing Alex standing there. He was in his usual evening attire, simple boxers and a hoodie. A beanie was stuck over his head, and he looked pretty tired.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just, um, wanted to talk. It's about Jasey and Lex, everyone else is asleep..."

"Don't need to tell me twice," I replied, getting up and following him into the front lounge. He was obviously stressed, so I grabbed some mugs and heated up the rest of that morning's coffee.

"Thanks," he replied as he took a sip.

"Did Jasey call you?" He nodded. I wove my hands into my hoodie's hand holes, wrapping them up in my fists, staring at him across from me.

"Yeah. She just called. She said that she couldn't believe what we did, that she wanted us out of Lex's life, and that she was sending Lex to live with a relative."

"Did she say where?"

"No, but I think she means LA. That's where her family is, since they all moved back there after she graduated. I just don't know. What did we do? I don't think we did anything," he replied.

"Maybe she was drunk," I said after a moment. He shook his head.

"No, she didn't sound like it. It's making me nervous. What if she isn't safe? What if-"

"Alex," I stopped him. He looked down, and I could feel that his anxiety was getting the better of him. "I'm sure she's fine, okay? You're over-reacting. If Jasey doesn't want you or Jack in her life, she'll have to eventually tell you why. Just don't press her, okay? It'll work out."

"But what if it doesn't?" He looked up, his tired eyes red with tears. "What if something bad happens, and I can't be there?"

"That's not going to happen, Lex. I promise you, it's going to be okay. And you're going to be able to be there for her like you were me. You've always been there for me, and from what I've seen, you and Jack make a pretty good team. Whatever happens, Alex, I'm still gonna be here. You've got all of us, and if it comes to the point where we have to go to the police, we won't hesitate to stand up with you. Nothing bad will happen, because it would have already happened. She's spent about five years with Jasey, remember? If anything was going to go wrong, it would have. Don't think too much on it."

He finally smiled. "Thanks, Heaths... I just needed to get it out because I'm scared. It's near that time of the year again, and everything always goes wrong. And, of course, it's your birthday soon too. But, you know..."

"Alex, it's okay. I don't mind. If anything ever bothers me, you let me vent. I intend to do the same thing."

"Thanks," he replied, smiling.

"What would you do without me?" I smirked.

"I really do not know," he replied, standing up. "Thanks. Like I said, I had to get that out before I overthink."

"You always overthink things, Alex." He smirked back, and I gave him a quick hug before walking back to my bunk. "Don't stay up too long, you'll turn into a black hole!" I called over Zack's snoring. Poor guy has sleep apnea, and it's so bad that hardly any of us get to sleep easily. He gave me the finger as I slipped into my bunk, putting my Harry Potter book into the bunk pocket and rolling over. I stared at the bunk wall, looking at a picture of Danny.


He'd committed suicide last year before I went to the mental hospital, and he was my best friend. I loved him more than anything, and it was horrible that he was gone. I missed him so badly. I wanted nothing more than to see him again. I hated living without him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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