7-11 Introduction (To help you understand)

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Dedicated to lizandtennis4ever
What if every day 30 seconds till 7:11 am till 30 seconds after 7:11 am a 7-11 appeared by your house or by the highway.
If it did you could rush in and take some 7-11 supplies. The only catch is that if you are not out by closing time, (Halfway through 7:12). You would be stuck there all night, and if it's the fifth day that the 7-11 is there you would move to a different place like somewhere out of country, China, Mexico, Antarctica, places like that.
    The only good thing about the 7-11 moving is that it goes in a cycle so about after a month you would be back home ( Somewhere in your country).
Some of you might wonder "If I take things out of the 7-11 wouldn't I be stealing?" And " I would run out of money if I were stuck in 7-11 for a month!" To answer your well asked questions: No you wouldn't be stealing and you wouldn't run out of money because there would be no cash register or employee.
If you happen to get stuck in the 7-11 over night at midnight the bathroom gets cleaned or the main room gets restocked, it depends. If you are in the bathroom at midnight then all the food gets restocked, if you are in the food area then the bathroom gats cleaned. If you are still stuck on the idea of stealing then you could leave a bit of money on the counter.
Now I will get on with the story; it shall be about my friend Destiny and her journey in the 7-11, if you don't believe me then fine I don't care. Believe what you want, I'm sure 7-11 will visit you someday.

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