Harry x Reader (Part 1)

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Set in: Fifth Year
Requested by: -


Harry's POV

I wave goodbye to my Aunt, Uncel and ikle Duddykins as they pull out of the driveway to go on their holiday for a week. Now that they're gone I can FINALLY get some homework done.

I close the door and run upstairs. The first thing I have to do is let Hedwig outside. She's been cooped up for weeks and she's becoming restless.

I open my window and Hedwig flies out immediately, probably gone to catch a rat or something.

I sigh and plop down on my bed, pulling out my wand. It's a shame I can't do magic outside of school.

I'm reading a book when I hear a knock on the door. Oh no! Have the Dursleys come back early?

The knocking intensifies and I bolt down the stairs.

I open the door and someone runs inside.

I close the door and walk into the kitchen towards the sound of whimpering.


(Y/n) POV

I sit huddled in a ball under a kitchen table, whimpering and crying.

I hear footsteps approaching me and raise my wand. Whoever's house this is, I'll have to wipe whoever lives here's memory.

Someone stops in front of my hiding spot and crouchs down. I'm about to yell 'obliviate' when a green eyed boy comes into view.

"(Y/n)?" He asks.

"Harry!" I yell and fly forwards, throwing my arms around him, knocking him to the floor as I do.

He hugs me tightly and smiles.

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" He asks, his voice full of worry.

"Th-there where dementors a-and they chased me here.. I'm sorry.." I say, pulling out of the hug and looking down at him.

The thought of the dementors make me even more scared and a few more tears escape my eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry," Harry says, reaching up, cupping my face in his hands and wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

I smile at his kindness before realizing the position we're in. I'm sitting on him, my legs straddling his waist.

Harry seems to realize at exactly the same moment as I do and turns red.

I quickly stand and back up a few steps as he stands up and brushes himself off.

"S-sorry.." I say, my face burning.

"It's o-okay.." he replies awkwardly.

We stand there, avoiding each others gazes, until an owl flies into the kitchen and onto my shoulder.

"Hedwig!" I exclaim.

Harry strokes her wing as she affectionately nips my ear.

I look around the small kitchen. "So this is where you live?" I ask.

He nods. "Do you want me to show you around?" He asks.

I nod and follow him around the house. He hesitates when he passes a cubord under the stairs.

I reach for the handle. "Can I look?" I ask slowly. Harry's told me about a cubord under the stairs that those horrible people forced him to live in.

"Sure," he shrugs.

I open the door and walk into the cubord. I know that the house was small but this was absolutely tiny! "How did he manage to stay here?"

"It actually wasn't that bad," He says.

I guess I must have said the last bit out loud.

I, again, follow Harry up the stairs and into his room where he walks over to the bed and falls onto it.

I giggle and sit down next to him.

He looks up at me and slowly reaches out his hand.

I hold it, feeling my cheeks start to burn.

Harry stands up, not letting go of my hand, and pulls me up with him.

I look up and into those bright green eyes. Suddenly, there's nothing else that matters to me. All that seems to be left is Harry and I enveloped in a strange silence.

I let out a shaky breath that I didn't know I was holding. I lean forward slightly, a force unseen bringing me closer to Harry.

I feel his warm breath on my lips and my eyes flutter closed. I'm about to erase the rest of the distance between us when a screech from Hedwig brings me back to earth with a bump.

My eyes snap open and I immediately step back from Harry.

"S-so... I should get home.." I say quietly.

I steal a glance at Harry who nods, his eyes fixed on a point on the ground and a light red brushing his cheeks.

We walk to the front door in silence. But not the one from before.. one that makes me feel ashamed for acting like that to my best friend.

Harry opens the door for me, still refusing to meet my gaze, and stands to the side to let me pass.

"Thanks for saving me from those dementors.." I say. When I don't receive an answer I walk down the steps and into the now raining street.

I'm pretty sure I just ruined my friendship with Harry. Tears cloud my eyes as I walk down Privet Drive, soaked to the bone.

I'm walking past the park, tears flowing down my face, when I hear running footsteps behind me. Then a voice, that cuts through the sound of the rain, calls out to me.

"(Y/n) wait!"


Haha!! Cliffhanger! Lol. You're just gonna have to wait for the update! Hope you enjoyed it! Byeeee!!

Harry Potter x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now