chapter one :

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Ruki's POV

Aside from finding a way to infiltrate wonderland, I'm also blindly searching for my older brother.

I had no one to conform to with his disappearance. The police simply told me to file a missing case report and that's all. I cannot contact my father and my mother is no where around. I tried calling her and looked for her but I still haven't met her yet during the two months I had come back. I don't know where I could find her either so that leaves me no choice but to wait...

I don't know what was happening...

Could it be possible that the queen is in this time too?
But I didn't time traveled... I turned back the time. There's a huge difference between the two.
I didn't jumped from the future to the past...
I rewind the time as if I rolled a movie reel back and made the movie fast backward before I clicked stop at the desired moment.

The movie would still go on the same path if I won't change anything to stop that future so I tried to change what I could...
I had successfully severed mine and my brother's connection to that future but that doesn't mean the apocalypse that was bound to happen won't happen.
The reason for it was still alive and it will still take place unless, we destroy him...

But... Why do I feel the 'he' somewhere near? 
And where is Reita?
Why did he just suddenly disappeared?
Who will help me now without thinking I'm a lunatic? Not that he would take me seriously but he is my brother and I can trust him with everything...

Plus, It is difficult... difficult to be the only one knowing...
Difficult to be the only one being problematic about the things that has not happened yet...
It sucks...
And it sucks a lot to be alone in this...

I sighed as I stood tiredly before the tall wall of wonderland.

Wonderland is a walled facility for smart, innovative scientists and their horrid human experiments. Of course, no one knows about the latter part aside from the people involved, themselves. People simply thinks that wonderland is a highly protected research facility in the middle of the city that creates medicines and cures for the illnesses people weren't aware that they, themselves, had actually created. 

It was their front to appear as if a harmless pharmaceutical company and no one even had the brain to question that.

No one knew where Alice came from but its discovery became a breakthrough in the study of brain illnesses. Scientists from wonderland thought that it was capable of curing Alzheimer's and other diseases of the like and they were finding a way to utilize this substance...

...but I must prevent them from discovering what it can do and what they could create from using it...

I had no means to actually know what was happening inside wonderland. The information within the facility is being tightly held. I couldn't really rely on the information found from the internet because they were either filtered by the facility itself or was nothing but lies made by conspirators or the company itself. My own memories of the future I've known was starting to blur too and I honestly don't know how long I can hold on to it. Not that it was worth anything. All that I have in my memory box was my times of insanity, pure torture and violence...

I sighed as I started walking back home.

I think, if I were to found at least one person who had connection within the walls and had an inkling to the future I was saying, this task would have been easier.

If only Takas-

"Ouch!" I exclaimed as I bumped against someone and fell to the ground. I hit and scraped my elbow on the concrete, making it bleed. I can feel it sting and I hissed in pain as I looked at the torn sleeve of my sweater and the wound that was budding with blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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