Where and back?

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I kissed him gently on his stubbly neck, drawing faster breath which made my head light from his moving chest. I pulled on his hair, chasing his jawline with soft pecks until our lips met again. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as his fingers roamed under my t-shirt. We shifted on the bed, him pulling at my hips until I was straddling him. He sat up to deepen the kiss and I hooked my fingers under the hem of his shirt. I felt his tongue dart and part my lips, pushing into my mouth and inspiring me to retaliate. There was a slight fumble with the hooks on my bra, mainly because he was attempting to perform the task with one hand whilst the other slid down the back of my jeans.

The outcome was unimportant, as there were voices coming through the trailer walls. I sat up, pushing Matt's wandering hands off, composing myself. He sat up, sighing, next to me. There was a knock. I walked across the small amount of space and opened the door.

"I told you that you were disturbing something." Was the first words that greeted me. I smiled at the speaker, John, and then looked at who the words had been directed; Steven Moffat and Mark Gattis.

"Hello Charlie, very sorry to be interrupting, erm, you and Matt but is it alright if we discuss something private with him" Mark asked, smiling in a way that was usually associated with bad news. I was preparing to answer when Matt got there first, shouting 'come in!' from behind me and John hooked his elbow through mine, snatching me away.

"Darling, would you like a cup of tea? Coffee? Cocoa? I know it's only 11, but would you like a drink drink?" He was opening his trailer door and starting towards the kitchen. Pulling out a mug for himself, he looked at me, expectant of an answer.

"Oh go on then, I'll have a cuppa." I said, admitting defeat and parking my bum on the sofa. He filled the kettle up and set it off boiling, then he turned and looked.

"Being in the know sucks, huh?" He said.

"I wouldn't know, HE hasn't really told me anything." I replied, trying to act cool about it, as though I wasn't bubbling with bitter annoyance. John tutted.

"Well, that's just not on. But, honey, you can kind of guess, can't you?" He looked strongly at me. I did know. Recently, the smiles and genial attitudes that were so Matt had stopped when the camera has finished rolling. "I've seen it before. David, as in Tennant, was like this too. It's a weird thing they go through. Dave was like this when we were filming the last episodes of series 4 together. Sometimes it was like everything was fine and then, it changed. It's the role, it eventually gets to you."

"But, we've just started this relationship properly. Why is he leaving me on my own, having to carry the weight of the show when people are going to be missing him so much, no one really care about me, it's him!" I said, trying to not sound too upset, but not living up to my career as an actor. John sat down next to me.

"You're an idiot if you believe that to be true. Billie Piper did it, when Chris left. It really helps the fans if they have someone constant to see them through the regeneration. In affect, you're going to be there holding their hands. I'm not saying it won't be hard, but I'll see if Moff will let me come back for an episode in the next series, so you won't be on your own."

"Would you? Oh thank you. I'm really scared I might not like the new guy, or he won't like me." I said, voicing the true worry that had been plaguing me. John smiled.

"Don't be silly. Christopher Eccleston, lovely guy. Replaced by David Tennant, amazing man. Replaced by Matt Smith, charming bloke. You see what I'm trying to say? The won't hire just anybody. They have to be special. They have to be out of this world." I hugged him then for saying that, cause I knew it was true. "And, Matt doesn't want to loose the chance of any future roll because they can't see him as anyone else but The Doctor..."

Clinging On For Life (Matt Smith)Where stories live. Discover now