The Sandwich Debate

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If there was one thing that I loved about filming, it was the large duffel coats we got to wear between takes. As we were approaching into Autumn, the coats were a necessary item over the costumes. The wind was dragging a vicious chill through the sky which ripped at the golden leaves on the malting trees. My hair was shorter than it had been in the previous series, cropped around my face and into a full fringe that refused to stay, choosing instead to ride the breeze every five seconds. The field that had been chosen to use as the set for today was just out from Cardiff. There were many supporting actors as we were meant to be set in a market. Period clothing was required on the extras and the TARDIS was sat behind a large Georgian tent. I was in period dress as well, a hat perched gently on my hair. The dress was explosive from my waist and I kept on swishing the petticoats around.

"You know what, I think I'm going to miss the sandwiches most?" Matt said, moping at the ham and tomato in his hand, which he handed to me. I took it and chomped a mouthful down. They were delicious. "I see you're enjoying the costume?"

I curtsied at him, bowing my hat. He bowed to me and took my hand to help me up before I toppled off the heeled shoes. I looked him in the face. He looked older now. His stubbly face and military crop had made him mature. He wasn't the bumbling baby giraffe that had first greeted me. I kissed him, pressing my fingers gently against the arch of his cheekbones, tenderly pulling him to my height as I balanced on my toes. No matter how much superficial and stupid stuff I thought, or how much I said otherwise in the many interviews that were to come, it was this I enjoyed and would grieve the most. More than the locations, costumes, scripts, sets and sandwiches, it was the people, or person, I was working with. The thoughts chased each other, looping and interlocking; I had weeks left. Less than that. His lips brushed and squished into mine, I refused to yield and kissed him furiously back.

"This is a place of work, Miss Howards and Mr Smith." Steven was walking towards us, brandishing a camera. "How about the two of you introduce Confidential. The first and last time I guess."

"Thanks, Steven, as if its not going to be emotional enough." Matt said, only half joking. I patted his shoulder and took the camera from Steven.

"How much of your evils plans are we permitted to reveal?" I asked, figuring out the way the camera worked and recording Steven as he answered.

"Enough to make them want to know more and drown in their own screams." Then he began cackling, walking away rubbing his hands like something out of a crappy horror movie.

"Day one on the set of Doctor Who, Christmas Special, The Final Hour." I said, putting on a Geordie accent and mimicking the Big Brother presenter. "Lead man and alien, Matt Smith is contemplating his favourite flavour of sandwich." Matt examined his sandwich.

"Definitely Marmite. I just feel it's had a rough go of it, don't you?"

"Of course." Matt smirked, looking extremely hot. I found myself sighing and regretting it as he began laughing. He leaned over the camera's shot and stole it from me. Now I was in frame, in all my Georgian glory. I curtsied at the camera and blew a kiss to Matt.

"Charlie Howards is flirting shamelessly with her poor co-star who is incapable to resist her charms" Matt said, adopting the same Geordie accent.

"Want a bit of this?" I said, wiggling my hips.


"Well, you'll have to ring my father, dear sir, and ask for my hand." I said, feigning sweet innocence.

Matt turned the camera to face him and shrugged before focusing on me again.

"Guess I better get letter writing then." I tried to keep a straight face but off the cameras line of vision Matt had noticed a mole coming to surface not far from him and was looking over shocked. I burst out laughing uncontrollably. Matt focused the camera on the mole as it struggled above the soil. I popped up for mere seconds, though, before disappearing underground once more.

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