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My heart thumped against my chest as I stared at the message. Who do you like? I gulped quietly and bit my lip nervously. I like you..I sighed and looked away from my phone screen. He would never like me, I'm nothing compared to the guy in the picture. He was so handsome and I was...meh. I don't have striking features like that one guy. I sighed and looked back at my phone. 

I don't really like anyone..the guys in my town are meh

Same :/...but I do like this one guy 

...Really?. My heart began to flutter in excitement. I smiled softly as my hopes started to raise. Please let it be me..please. 

Yeah :3 he's like super adorable but doesn't think he is, he draws, he's an introvert like me cx, he has glasses etc. 

He sounds nice..

yeah he really is, idk how i should tell him that i like him tho

Does he like boys?

Yeah he does..I wonder if he likes me back 

Why wouldn't he? You're adorable c:

Awwwww xD 


Tank chu Jiminie c: u boost my confidence

Ur welcome Yoongi (: 

I want a cute nickname from u xc

I'm not good with nicknames..what's your full name?

Min Yoongi 

How about Minnie? srry if its terrible..

Oh mah gerd i luv it cx

Really? I just barely thought of it right now

I luv it x3

Cx I'm glad you do 


I played with my straw as Hoseok and Taehyung played around, yet again ignoring their lunch. I combed my hair back over my forehead. I stayed quiet and stared down at my hands. I peeked up at them and saw them playing around. I craved for a relationship like what they had. Someone to goof around with and just give random kisses from time to time. I bit my lip and looked back down. I kinda zoned out for a bit. Close to the end of lunch I went to the back of the school by the willow tree. I pulled out my sketch book and continued drawing the tree. 

I stayed quiet as I added more flowers to the long hanging branches. I sighed softly as I looked up at the tree and took a quick mental image before putting my hand back to work. I closed my eyes once the annoying bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. I packed my things and headed to my class. 


"Yah Jiminie!" A voice yelled, it echoed from the distance. I looked up from the flower drawing in my sketch book. Yoongi was running my way with a plastic bag. I smiled softly and put my sketch book aside and leaned back onto my palms. Yoongi panted lightly and plopped down onto the grass next to me. 

"I have snacks!" He beamed and opened up the bag. I smiled more and sat up. He pulled out a different assortment of snacks and laid them out in front of me. I looked over them all, it was all my favorite things. I grinned and looked at Yoongi. He turned to me and smiled softly. 

"What?" He asked, laughing lightly after. I just smiled even more. 

"You got all my favorite things" I looked back at the snacks. I scanned over them to see which I wanted first. Yoongi picked up some crackers and started to feed me. I smiled and ate each bite. He ate some as well. I picked up my sketch book and went back to drawing my flower.  Yoongi munched happily on the crackers as I drew. Yoongi leaned his head on my arm and watched me. I smiled and looked at him. 

"You draw good Jiminie" He grinned, flashing an eye smile. I smiled wider and looked back at my drawing. I slowly started shading in certain areas. Yoongi grabbed my chin gently, I frowned at him. He turned my face to face him. 

"Y-Yoongi? What are you doing?" I asked softly. He smiled and bit his bottom lip as he pulled my face closer. I felt my heart beat pick up. I closed my eyes and readied myself. I felt his warm breath graze against my lips. I licked my lip and bit it in anticipation. I felt his lips barely touch mine. I slipped my hand up and placed it on the back over his neck, I pulled him forward gently. Our lips collided gently. 


The annoying sound of the bell rang through my wonderful dream. I looked up and saw people walking out of the class. I stood slowly and collected my things before heading home. 

It was a quiet walk home, like normal. Hoseok lives in a different area and doesn't walk with me. I sighed as I kicked a pebble aside. I looked up and looked around. The leaves were starting to fall from the trees in different shades of orange and brown. I smiled softly and watched them fall from the trees as I walked. One small leaf landed in my hair. I smiled and pulled it out, it was light orange with brown forming at the tips. I let it go and watched the wind carry it off. I turned back and continued walking home. 

I walked onto my porch and walked inside my house. I did my normal routine before heading up to my bedroom. I laid on my bed with a deep and loud yawn. I rubbed my eyes and turned to cuddle my pillow. I buried my face into the pillow and sighed. 


I woke up to my phone vibrating  next to me. I yawned and unlocked my phone, grimacing lightly from the brightness that met my sleepy eyes. I had messages from Yoongi. I smiled softly and opened them up.

Yoooo Jiminie??? Did you fall asleep again? cx sleepy head

Yeah sorry, long day at school 

Lol its okay what u doing? 

Just woke up 

Mhhh can i cuddle you c:

Yeah :3

Yay! I shall be there soon. 

Can i ask you something? 

Yeh what is it?

You know that boy you sent me a pic of? Is he the boy you like..?

Lol nahhh that's just Jin, he dragged me with him so he had to deal with that

So...he's just a friend? 

Yeh, i like someone else 

Ah okk i was just curious.. 

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