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Eliza POV
Me and the avengers are getting uncle Loki's scepter back. I was riding with Nat and Clint. I saw a bad guy come so I used my earth element to hit him.
"Nice one Eliza" she said.
"Thanks Nat" I said and used my wind power to fly.
I saw a bad guy and he hit me.
"Damn it!" I yelled and Steve said something.
"Language. Jarvis what is the status?" He asked Jarvis.
I flew back up and joined my father.
"Dad behind you" I said and used my water element.
I hit him and flew off. I joined Stark and we went after the scepter.
"Stark" I said and pressed the button behind my ear.
My mask came over my face.
(A/N: it looks like Star Lords mask).
"Jarvis how do we turn off the force field?" I asked him.
"Apparently you turn it off by going through the ground and turning it off" he answered.
I looked at Stark and he nodded. I fell to the ground and that hurt. I found it and used my fire element to turn it off. I got out and got it hit in the head.
"Oh god..." I started but was cut off by Steve.
"Do not finish the sentence" he warned me.
"Damn it" I said and fell.
"Ok falling here! Falling here!" I yelled and was still falling.
"Stark!" I yelled and hoped he heard me.
"Eliza are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes" I said sarcastically.
"No I'm falling to my death!" I yelled and he signed.
"Cap" he said.
"On it" he said and Cap was under me.
He caught me and set me behind him. I used my air element and blew them away.
"Nat I need my staff" I said.
"Coming with it" she said and I saw her.
I jumped off the motor cycle and grabbed it. I opened it and flew off. The bad guys started shooting but I dodged them all.
"Clint got hit" said Nat.
"I'll take him to the jet" I said and flew there.
I grabbed him and flew back to the jet. I set him on the table and flew back out.
"We got the scepter but Banner needs a lullaby" said Stark.
"Nat that's your job" I said and went back to the jet.
Once everyone was on the jet...
Everyone was on the jet and I changed into my airbending outfit. I went back and started messing with my staff. I went to Tony because when my father was in Asgard, Tony was like a dad to me.
"Hey Tony" I said and held my staff in my hand.
"Hey kiddo" he said.
"Can I fly the rest of the way there?" I asked.
"Ask your dad" he said.
"Ok dad" I said.
"Yes Eliza"
"Can I fly the rest of the way there?" I asked him and used my puppy eyes.
"Yes you can" he said and chuckled.
"Yes!" I shouted and opened it.
I tapped my staff and the gliders came out. I jumped and started flying. I made it back to the tower. I got in the tower and closed my staff.
"Hey Maria" I said once I saw her.
"Hey Eliza" she said and went back to going something.
Everyone came and Dr. Helen took Clint to the Dr. Banners lab.
"So Dr. Helen are going to be at the party?" Stark asked Dr. Helen.
"Party's are a waste of my time..." She paused then spoke again.
"Will Thor be there" she said.
Wait what!? My dad.

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