The End is Near Part I

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I needed to tell Oliver that he had in fact impacted me. I was nothing with out him. This was going to be a moment that would change everything.

"Oliver... Oliver Please I need to talk to you."

  I walked into the house and I saw a trail of blood and I followed it to the back yard. I saw Peter dead.

"Oh God." "Oliver please answer me."

I walked to the bed room and I saw Tyler and his friends.

"Where is he Tyler?" I took Oliver by the shirt and yelled at him.

"Where is he! tell me."

"I don't know Stephaine but if you want maybe we could continue where we left off."

"Get off me. Tyler come who killed Peter?"

"His wacko dad." He started to kiss me and touch me. I saw a figure in the dark thought it was Oliver but It wasn't.

" Jason what are you doing here?"

"I saw you come here so I followed." "I have to find Oliver Jason help me please!"

"Ok let's go." We ran. "Listen Jason .Go to the school and see and I have to go look somewhere."

"Ok be careful Stephaine."

I walked to the park and to the swings and than I saw him.

"Oliver what happened are you ok?"

"Stephaine you have to go My dad's coming for me."

"No I can't leave you. I had to tell you something."

"There's no time just go." 

I walked away and I ran to the other side of the park and sat down and called the police.

"Hello I am Sunnyside park and there is a man that is after his son with a knife please hurry."

"Tyler what are you doing here?" "You're father couldn't make it so he sent me in his place hope you don't mind."

"Just get it over with ok Tyler but before you do I have a few things to say to you."

"OK Oliver go ahead."

"You are nothing but a bully, a sicko. You hurt Stephaine and you made her believe that she deserved it. She is a sweet person and you took that away from her."



"Good." He took out a knife and put in his back. He ran away. I didn't see it I had been at the cornor waiting for the Police but when I saw Tyler run I ran back.

"Oliver Oh God please don't leave me. Please I love you Oliver."

"I love you to Shortcake. Just remember I love you and thank you." 

He kissed me and than he drifted away.

"No. You did impact my life Oliver you did." I cried and he died in my arms. The police came about 5 minutes later along with Erica and Jason.

"Stephaine come on we have to get you home." Erica said.

"I can't leave him Erica  I can't."

"He'll understand Stephaine." Jason and Erica walked me home and I cried for hours.

"It's my fault Erica he died because of me."

"Stephaine you can't blame yourself. He loved you and he saved you."

The next day was graduation. I was accepted into UCLA and Erica and accpeted to NYU. The week after graduation was Olivers. Memorial. I knew it would hurt but I had to go. This would be the most hardest thing I'd ever had to do but I went.

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