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I woke to a slight shaking. It was Sam.

"I want to show you something."

"Can't it wait till morning?"

He laughed. "Come on sleepy. You'll like it!" I groaned and say up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"This way." He led me through the woods. I had no idea where we were going. Suddenly we stopped.

"Close your eyes."


"Just do it!"

"Fine." I closed my eyes and he guided my to where he wanted me to stand.

"Open them." I did. We were in a clearing. I looked around there was nothing remarkable about it, just flowers, grass, and a rotting log. Then he held out a sword.

"Where did you get this?"

"I went back..."


"To Rydiea."

"How? Why? What!" I stuttered.

"Well, last night you said that you loved to fight, but you lost your sword a long time ago. I got you a new one. Besides you could... protect us." A faint light shined on his face. He was blushing.

"Thank you. I love it." I looked down. "Do you ummm... want to learn how to use it. I mean you know, just in case..."

"Yeah. That would be nice."

"Well," I pulled the sword from it sheath, "first you have to learn how to hold it." The sword was well built. The edges were sharp and it was light. That made it a lot easier to wield.

"Here let me help." I leaned over and adjusted Sam's grip. "Not so tight. You want it to feel natural in your hand. That's better."

"I hope this is the hardest part." Sam said sarcastically. I laughed.

"Not quite. Try simple movements." He began to swing the sword in front of him. "Don't be so stiff. It should feel like an additional limb."

"It will be a while before that happens."

"Ok. Just walk around with it. Keep a light grip. It won't go anywhere."

"Blueberry! Sam!" Scott's voice rang through the trees as he ran into view. "Flynn is looking for... ooooo what are you doing?"

"I'm learning how to fight with a sword."

"Can I try?" He looked fascinated by the blade.

"I suppose."

"Yes!" He grabbed it from Sam and danced around with it in his hand. I had to admit he had good control.

"Scott! Give it back!" Sam was laughing. Scott dropped the sword and the two started wrestling on the ground.

"Hey! Hey! Break it up you two!" I tried to separate them but instead I ended up with a face full of mud. We wrestled for a few more minutes before Sam got hurt. We then rested and I remembered why Scott had come to find us in the first place.

"So what did you want to tell us?"

"Oh, right! Flynn wants you guys back at camp."

"I guess we will have to continue this later then." Sam and Scott both looked disappointed. "How about tonight?"

"Sure! Sounds great!" Scott picked up the sword, handed it back to me, and skipped back to camp. Sam and I trudged behind him.

Flynn looked upset to see me with a sword, and all three of us covered in grass and dirt. I guess he was still not sure what to think of me. The feeling was mutual though.

It took me a minute to realize just how long Sam and I had been in the clearing. It was more than two hours. The sun was now visible above the mountain peaks. It would have been beautiful if the sky was not still hazy from the burnt village.

"Where have you been?"

"We were-"

"I found a sword and was showing Sam how to use it." I couldn't let Sam take the rap for this. He was just to nice.

"I hope you don't keep that." Flynn looked at me with disdain.

"It could help us."


"I know a lot more about the enemy than you do. If we meet up with his armies I have the the best chance of keeping us alive."

"What? You are going to fight them all?" I was getting irritated. There was no way to make Flynn happy.

"No. That's absurd. I just-"

"That has nothing to do with the sword, and how do you even know so much?" Flynn smirked he knew I wasn't a spy or anything like that, but he wanted me out of there.

"Flynn can we talk alone for a minute?" I gestured toward the trees.

"Fine." I followed him for a few minutes before we stopped.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't." He was playing some sort of a game.

"Ok listen. I know you don't trust me. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Scott, but I'm trying to help you guys."

"You are kind of secretive."

"Well I don't really know anything-" A loud scream ripped through the air. It came from our camp. Flynn's eyes grew wide.

"Scott!" He shouted. We ran back to where we left Scott and Sam.

I skidded to a stop. The scene was horrific. Flynn cried out in horror and ran to his brother's side.

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