Chapter Seventeen

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Hello again my lovelies! So, I'm going to try and make this Chapter much longer because I know that the last chapter was pretty short and boring. And I am so very sorry, but I will make it up to you guys, I promise!

In this chapter I will be introducing a whole bunch of new characters. I know it might be a little overwhelming but it's all apart of the plan for the story. So I hope you enjoy the new characters! They will be quite an interesting bunch, I must say! Haha. :)

Now, time for a dedication! I wanted to dedicate this Chapter to one of my amazing, beautiful, crazy friends, no correction, she's like family. But I wanted to dedicate this Chapter to Nmch_98 ! I love you baby! Hope you enjoy it! ❤️

I hope you all enjoy this Chapter! It will be pretty lengthy. Like I said, I'm making it up to you guys. Haha, anyways enough of this and let's get straight into the chapter!

Enjoy Chapter 17 my lovelies! :)



He smiled at me. "Of course I don't mind. Come here." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, placing my arm around his stomach. The flight attendants finished their safety procedure demonstration. The speaker rang again and another flight attendant started speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 723 with service from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Orlando, Florida. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Northeast Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

"Well I'm getting pretty tired. Wake me up when we get there. Okay?"

He nodded. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before resting my head back on his shoulder. I smiled, as I felt him kiss the top of my head. "Sweet dreams," I heard him say, before I fell into a peaceful slumber.

*End of Recap*



*Anabelle's POV*

"Anabelle." I felt my body being gently shakened. "Anabelle, wake up." I slowly opened my eyes, my eyes immediately meeting a pair of blue ones. "Hey, we're here," He murmured.

I lifted up my head and looked at my surroundings. The kids from our school were already up from their seats, grabbing their carry ons from the overhead compartments. "Oh," I mumbled.

I groggily got up from my seat, Sean following right behind me. He stopped to grab our carry ons. He set them on the floor, handing me mine. I grabbed the handle and started heading out of the plane.

We entered the airport and met up with Mrs. Coleman, Mr. Goodman, Mr. Smith and Ms. Diaz. "Okay gather around students," Mrs. Coleman ordered. "Okay, first things first, we'll be heading to the Baggage Claim area to retrieve our luggages. After that, we will be heading outside where the Charter bus will be waiting for us to take us to our hotel. Once we arrive at the hotel, you guys can relax for awhile, since it's only 10:30am. We'll be heading to International Drive later on where we will be walking around, heading to the small attractions that are there and then out for some dinner. Got it?"

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