Chapter 2 - The Teen Popstar Justin Bieber?

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⠀⠀I awoke to the smell of freshly cooked crunchy bacon, and poached eggs. I sat up straight realising this wasn't my bedroom, this isn't my house, Justin, I've ran away. All my thoughts come flooding back. I unravel myself from the sheets and stand to walk downstairs, following this really great smell before I stop in my tracks and look at the cupboards mirror. I look horrible, like a panda. I rub below my eyes cleaning up the mascara that had ran. I don't want Justin meeting me a second time looking horrid.

I jog down the stairs and stop when I reach the bottom. I stop and glance over all the photos on the wall in which I hadn't noticed last night. There's one of Justin and a really pretty lady, a little shorter than Justin but you can tell she's older. She looks just like him, maybe his sister, or mother! I continue to walk down the hallway whilst taking my time looking over all the photos. It looks like Justin with lots of different celebrities. Rihanna, Beyoncé, Will Ferrell, the Smith family? I seem slightly confused. Did Justin have many VIP tickets? Was he just well known?

⠀"Hey!" I jump, snapping out of my thoughts by Justin's existence, "I was just heading upstairs to get you, breakfast is ready" he says with a slight smile. "U-Uhm, Thankyou" I say, startled. I follow him towards the kitchen. I like his house, I think to myself, looking around. We walk over to the bench and just as I thought, there's bacon, eggs, orange juice. "Help yourself" Justin says as he grabs a bowl of cereal and leans against his white leather couch.

"Well aren't you going to have some?" "Nah" he says, not managing to look up. "Why cook it if you're not going to have any?" "I cooked it for you, I figured you may be hungry once you woke up." Whilst eating, with every bite his jaw clenched making my heart beat faster. I'm not gonna lie, Justin was drop dead gorgeous. I'd definitely tap that.
I dish myself up a plate of bacon and eggs and make my way over to the couch, with Justin following behind. I sit, making myself at home.

"So what's your story?" Justin says with a mouth full of food. "Ew Justin don't talk with your mouth full of food!" I say through giggles. "You're right, I'm sorry, where are my manners?" 'Justin is so sweet, he's seriously perfect! The best body, a killer smile, those glassy hazel eyes, and he's sweet! So, so sweet.'
Justin finishes his mouth full of food and repeats himself. "What do you mean?" "Like, tell me about yourself. Your family, your hobbies, how and where you grew u-" "please stop..." I cut Justin of mid-sentence, stand and walk back toward the bench with Justin not far behind. "Wha-what? Did I say something wrong?"

"I barely know you and you want to know every little detail about me? Please." I put my dishes in the sink and walk towards the room I slept in last night. Basically giving Justin the cold shoulder and walking up the stairs.

*Justins POV* (yay)

Woah, where did that come from? Just earlier she was being super sweet. Did I do something wrong? Did I come across in a certain way? I wanna follow her upstairs and ask her as to what just happened but I'll let her cool down.

I slump myself onto my couch and let out a sigh. TV sounds good. I turn on the TV and switch to the news channel, just to keep up to date.
*News Report*
"Young teen Kylie Jenner MISSING! Mother Kris Kardashian reports to be worried sick for her daughter Kylie and says she had not seen anything coming, nor does she know as to why she has run away, if spotted please call 555-0129"

Kylie? My Kylie? The girl that is in my house right now Kylie? Kylie is from the Kardashians? Kylie Jenner, of course! How did I not realise!? & She's missing? Why would she run away? Wait, wait, wait. Does Kylie know I'm Justin Bieber? The Teen Popstar Justin Bieber? This is all so confusing.

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