Chapter 2: The Healer from the Heavens

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"She must be some kind of witch, I tell you." Mun Dong Hee was one of the very few talented new Wu Dal Chi recruits who used the sword like a dance. He had been on the inn when their general unexpectedly came back with a woman in tow. He excitedly regaled the story to the other new Wu Dal Chi's who had to stay and watch the palace.

It was late in the afternoon and their duty just ended for the day and whilst the older members were busy doing mock duels the newer ones would usually watch and talk about who would win against who. But this time around, another topic was more interesting than the battle prowess of their leaders. "For sure she had this bewitching aura around her, her hair was as red as fire, and Daejang couldn't take his eyes of her. And take this, he was holding her hand when they came in, not her wrist, but her hand." He emphasized the last word gesturing with his own hand.

The others looked at him in disbelief. The general was not the sort of man who paid much attention to women much less hold a woman's hand.

Sang Hoon Jin in particular who had already been with the Wu Dal Chi for about two years knew this information was a lie. After taking back the territories of Goryeo the general's name had been hailed throughout the country. Once, he had seen the general being introduced to a government official's daughter. She was one of the most beautiful females he had ever laid eyes on, and he had heard that when she played the lute, the sound would be like angels coming down from the heavens. But the general didn't even seem to notice that she was a woman. He had treated her with respect but his eyes never lingered on her. And although the smiles she threw his way were plenty, he would merely answer with a nod of respect.

All that person cares about is duty and honor. Many of the Wu Dal Chi believed that to be true.

But Dong Hee was not done talking. "And then, when we were on the boat, he sat down beside her, really near, that their arms were touching. And while we were riding on horses, she rode beside him and he kept glancing at her." He paused for effect. "And he even smiled."

Hoon Jin slapped the back of Dong Hee's head after that last remark. He had enough of his lies. "If you are going to make up stories, make them at least believable."

"It's true though." This came from another Wu Dal Chi which surprised Hoon Jin. "I wasn't on the same boat but on the way here I did see Daejang look at her and smile. Multiple times in fact. If I didn't know how Daejang is, I would think she was his woman."

"Hey, wasn't there a rumor before about Daejang and the Prince's fiancee?" Another Wu Dal Chi member piped in. "I heard the Prince's wedding never happened because Daejang barged in and claimed her in front of everyone."

"That was Eui Seon!" Said another. "The doctor that Daejang took from the Heavens to save the Queen."

"But I heard she went back to Heaven though."

"What is all this talk of heaven?" Doek Man who had just came out victorious from his fight had just overheard their conversation and sternly asked the question. But the new recruits were too curious to pay attention to his tone.

"Is it true?" It was Dong Hee who asked. "Was that really the Heavenly doctor that came with us back to the palace?"

This earned him another slap at the back of his head and this time by Deok Man. "Were you not warned not to speak about this?"

Dong Hee rubbed the back of his head to ease the pain. "We were told not to spread it around, but I was just talking to fellow Wu Dal Chi members." He complained.

"So it is true then?" Another Wu Dal Chi member concluded. "The Heavenly doctor is back."

"Did she really become a member of the Wu Dal Chi before?" asked another.

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