Chapter 3: The Assassin's Target

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It was already past midnight but still he couldn't sleep, which was something quite unusual for him. Sleeping came easy for Choi Young as a force of habit from years ago when he would spend most of his days asleep. But today, no matter how long he closed his eyes, slumber just wouldn't take him.

He gave up and gazed at the ceiling instead. She should be asleep by now. Was she being visited by nightmares again? He hoped not. Since they have stayed together in his quarters from four years ago her nightmares have not come. And he had stayed with her every night since she had come back and she didn't seem to have nightmares anymore.

He closed his eyes again trying to sleep. It wasn't that he needed sleep. As a warrior he could stay up for days without rest. But he wanted to sleep, otherwise he would just stay up counting the hours until he could see her again. He wanted to see her again. He had gone so long without her, now that she was back he really didn't want her out of his sight.

That was the drawback of this decision she had made. With her new position in the palace she had to stay there. She was now given her own chambers and it would be very inappropriate for him to go see her at this time of night.

Was she happy about this situation? He was usually busy during the day so he really couldn't see her much. Didn't she want to spend her nights with him at least? Had she felt uncomfortable sharing a bed with him? They weren't married yet so it was quite unconventional but he had always kept himself in check and made sure never to take advantage of her.

He flung his arm across his eyes willing sleep to take over. He wanted to see her. He wanted her beside him. He wanted to hold her hand while he slept. He wanted her to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up. When had he started to need her this much?

He heard the sound of his door opening and immediately reached for his sword but he didn't get up. The footsteps didn't sound like that of an assassin, although why anyone would send one to kill him was beyond conceivable. The footsteps though sounded unsure as it came nearer. Definitely not an assassin's. Then it stopped. And then traced back its steps. He immediately got up to a sitting position and turned towards the retreating figure. "Imja?"

The person who was already halfway to the door froze. He got off the bed and turned her around to face him while taking her hood off, surprise registering on his face despite the fact that he had already known it could only be her.

She smiled sheepishly at him. "I just wanted to see if you were asleep."

His eyes narrowed in doubt. "You came all the way here in the middle of the night just to see if I was sleeping?"

She looked down unable to meet his eyes. "I... I had some trouble sleeping... so I was wondering..." Her eyes flittered back to his.

He waited patiently for her to finish, staring straight back at her. "Uhm..." She looked away again this time towards the bed. "I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight."

His face burst into a smile and without warning he picked her up in his arms. She protested in surprise but then seeing his smile clung to his shoulders instead mesmerized by the curve of his lips. It was a very lively smile. He smiled as if she had just said something that made him incredibly happy. That alone filled her heart with joy.

He placed her down gently on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Then he sat on the side of the bed and smoothed the hair that was covering her face and tucked it behind her ear. Her hair was mid length again, he still wondered how she made it seem so long before. "Sleep. You need to be back in your room early before anyone notices you're gone."

He was about to go speak with the Wu Dal Chi shadowing her to confirm that no one else had seen her enter but when he tried to stand she clutched at his arm. "Don't leave please."

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