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Hermione turned the shower on, stepping in and letting the warm water run down herself. She was humming a tune she'd heard on the radio a few days ago.

"Good morning."

Hermione screamed, "Draco! Have you never heard of knocking?!"

"Yes, but where's the fun in that?"

"Well since your here make yourself useful, pass me the towel on the back of the door."

Draco passed her the towel, she wound it round herself. Reaching for her wand that balanced by the sink, she had her hair dry in a second.

"All yours," Hermione said to Draco as she left the bathroom.


Hermione sat curled up on the couch reading, it was about an hour since Draco had left.

*knock, knock*

The loud knock made Hermione jump, ringing her back out of her book. She closed the book placing it on the table next to her.

*knock, knock*

Hermione crossed the room opening the door.

"Where is he?" 

"Ron?" Hermione was shocked Ron was there.

Ron took his wand out of his pocket holding to Hermione's throat, "I asked, where is he?"

"Where's who," Hermione choked.

"That insufferable ferret you're sleeping with." 

"Draco isn't here, I don't know where he is."

"Of course you don't," Ron voice was dripping with venom.

"I promise I don't!"

Ron pushed his wand deeper into Hermione's throat "I don't want him near Rose."

"He's changed, Rose really likes him."

"Yeah right," he pushed Hermione away from him hard making her fall, "crucio."

Hermione writhed in pain, she tried to stop herself from screaming so as not to disturb Rose. Ron stopped the curse.

"What do you want?" Hermione managed in a whisper.

"That git to stay away from my daughter."

"He's changed, I promise."

"Crucio," the curse hit Hermione straight in the chest, she still wouldn't let herself scream.

This time Hermione stayed quiet, she hoped if she said nothing he would do nothing.

"Your hurting yourself Granger. Crucio," Hermione wanted to scream but she didn't want Rose to see her father like this "crucio."

"You'd never tell them I did this, would you? Crucio," he held the last one much longer than the rest. Just long enough to see the light fade from Hermione eyes as she slipped into unconsciousness. 

He stepped outside the apartment aparating back to the apartment he had once shared with the women he just tortured.

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