Yeah baby !

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I'm so sorry. I know the author or writer or whatever should be more in contact with her readers but Really sorry. Actually I was in Sanfran for my brothers sports meet but I took part too and I won gold in running! Okay enough about myself. So you think these two should be together ? Because I am totally like hell yeah ! And ADHD doesn't show all those shitty symptoms I wrote in the last chapter. I just made it up. Except the hyperactivity thing. That's true. So please don't go believe ing it all. And secondly I am just referring random songs here. They might've not even released in the year this book is based in but who cares yeah ? And I'll be showing more of Louis now cuz I can write so much about him so naturally. Thanks and love you !

Ps - my actual sister and brother ( yeah we're triplets ) are really cool and nothing like annabelle and care Anne . Please don't assume that. I just wanted to make bitchy sisters for Fun. But now they seem too mean right ? Okay bye

Louis POV

I woke up to the dazzling blue hypnotic eyes of Katherine Williams. She was holding a bucket of ice water over my face and seconds later it came crashing down on me. She laughed like hell and back.
Honestly for a girl who had a water episode just yesterday , I thought she would stay away from that shit. But that's what you call ' fearless bastard ' I guess. Which is one of the main reasons I like her. Yeah I do. She is so much like me in so many ways , it's kinda shocking.

" wake up sleepy bones ! We're going running again " she said
" so early ?" I asked
" it's seven " she said
" noo" I said rolling back to sleep. Another few drops fell on me.
" time to reduce your arse " she said
" oi! Look who you're insulting " I said
" come on " she said pulling the blanket off me.

Fifteen minutes later , we were creeping out of the cabin , so the lucky sleepers wouldn't wake up. I heard a noise in the kitchen
" what's that ?" I asked
" what?" She asked looking around
The sound came , louder now , like a raccoon on eating corn flakes.
" oh my god ! It's a rat " she whisper yelled clutching my hand
I held a mop I took from the closet and she grabbed a vase , which I was pretty sure Candy valued.
" come on slowly " I said
" oh my god " she said pointing towards the fallen box of corn flakes " it's an animal "
" relax " I said
" ready? 1,2,3,GO !" I said
" bat woman !" She yelled as I yelled " superman !"
" boo bear ?" I heard a familiar voice call out
But I was too shocked. Harry had not given up his old habit. There he was standing , naked , eating a bowl of corn flakes and milk.
" oh my freaking mother f ing God " I heard Kate say as she slowly lowered her vase. Kate swore ?

" Harry can you please ummm cover up ?" I asked. I was used to this. We shared an apartment for gods sake. But Kate wasn't. I saw her just staring and staring and staring.
" Kate can you please not look as excited as you actually are ?" Harry asked bored now roaming around searching for a blanket or something.
" what?" She asked distractedly
" Kate look away " I instructed sharply
" hello my smarty pants. Nobody tells me what to do and what not to. Asking is fine. Instructing me is so not. " she said but looked away.
" Harry quicker " I said impatiently
" boo bear !" Harry said " oh and Kate can you please come with me to the town today. And we can have lunch after that ?"
" sure " she replied
My jaws clenched.
" let's go Louis " she said pulling my hand " he isn't gonna cover up any time soon "
" bye bye " Harry said , waving his hands.

" what was that about ?" She asked

" what?" I asked

" jaw clenching ?"

" oh that. Ummm well I thought we could go fishing in the afternoon "
" Louis I don't think I wanna go in the water any time soon. " she said " so it's kinda a good thing I accepted his offer "

" okay if that's what you want " I said smiling , when all I wanted to do was shake her and ask her to notice what was going on

Kate POV

He was lying again , but I just realised something. I had three weeks with him and the rest of them. I had better enjoy every moment. I don't need to be a sneaky Sarah.( I just made that up ) and then back to Singapore for me.
We took a few rounds and then stopped because he said he wanted to go back.

" Kate can I talk to you for a second ?" Annabelle asked. Her eyes looked bloodshot like she was crying
" what's up ?" I asked
" I'm so sorry about yesterday. I mean you sprayed my room and I just got angry and said those stuff to hurt you. You know I love you right ? More than everything. Sometimes , well I'm trying to control it , I just go to extremes to take revenge. I dunno whether that person is hurt or not and I keep hurting them " she said
I stared at her open mouthed. What was going on ?
" and all these years , you have been the prettier one , the smarter one and everything. Even with your ADHD you had a good life. Looking back twenty years from now , all Carey and I are gonna have is regrets. But you , that's what's special about you Kate , you live every moment of every day. And I'm really sorry. It was jealousy through and through " she said
Wait , she was jealous of me ?
When did that even happen
But I didn't say anything because I was so touched. It took a lot to say sorry but it took even more for Anna to say it.
We hugged silently. She knew , that I knew , that we weren't gonna be like before ever.
" what brought about this change ?" I asked
" well Zayn came and told me stuff last night and well I began to see things in your perspective. I was a bitch most of the times huh ?" She asked laughing now
" yeah you were " I said
" Kate you're making breakfast with me " Louis yelled.
" ooh lover boy is waiting for you Kate " annabelle said pushing me
" excuse me ?" I asked
" it's very clear in both of your eyes " she said
" annabelle have you been listening to Mozart again ?" I asked stalking off

" what are we making today ?" I asked

" we are gonna make a ' Louis and Kate special ' - carrots and what your favourite veggie ?"
" it's carrots actually " I said
" hey we got same favourite veggies " he said
" yeh"
" so it's carrots and carrots " he said
" okay"

Thirty minutes later -
"Breakfast is served " I said
" what. The. Hell. Is. This. ?" Niall asked
" come on. It's a Kate and Louis special " Louis said bracingly
" what's that black stuff ?" Zayn asked
" it's carrots "
" and the greenish orange stuff ?" Liam asks
" carrots "
" and those circles on the top?" Harry asked
" carrots "
" wow is there anything other than carrots on this plate ?" Liam asked
" not really "
" it's Kate's dish what do you expect ?" Carey asked just as Harry said
" Louis you've gone overboard again "
" wait both of you love carrots ?" Zayn asked
" yea"
" okay you two are never making anything together ever again " Liam said
" aww don't be like that. It's quite tasty actually "
" the black stuff is horrible " Niall said

"The orange circles are quite tasty " Harry said
" Louis you're side sucks " I said
" don't be like that " Louis said making a crying face
"I'm gonna be sick " Christina said spitting out the black parts and running to the washroom.
The meal was over five minutes later only because most of the food went into the dustbin.
" Louis they hate us " I said
" yeah " she said taking a bite of the black carrots
Two seconds later he was yelling " I'm having food poisoning "

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