Miss me ?

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" O2 arena. Make some noise " I yelled , adrenaline pumping through my veins. The tears on my face had dried up but I could still trace their path.


" oh my god " I yelled at Louis. " I have a show to prepare for !"

" it's in five hours Kate. Can you please relax ?" He rolled his eyes

" this is our first show on such a huge platform. I have to make it a success. "

" there are four of you " he argued

" Louis you don't understand. If this was your first big gig how would you feel ?"

" I would relax knowing that I was just having fun with my friends. And I would rely on them too for making it a success " he shot back

" you don't get it do you ? We screw this no one comes to see us. No one !" I hobbled on my foot

" is your foot " he began

" leave my foot out of this " I snapped.

" fine but can you calm down !" He yelled

" you're not giving me reason to " I shout

" do what you want " he settled down " one of these days Kate , your gonna have a breakdown "

" stop playing doctor Louis " I slammed my door. Few minutes later I came out wearing my jeans.

"Don't come to today's gig. Please. I just need some Cooling time " I said regretting the words as soon as I said it.

" okay" a strange look came on his face.

" bye" I said but didn't slam the door.

Louis's POV -

She really really expected me to not go to her show. Why couldn't she understand that she was working too hard ? All I want is for her to be happy and safe.
Disguise time. I put on my beanie and Ray bans.
Yes i am looking blind , wearing ray bans in the evening but who cares ?

I entered the arena and took a place at the back, exchanging my front place with a girl who was madly in love with kiss 56. She nearly kissed me when I gave her the ticket.

" O2 arena make some noise " I heard her tell. And I just knew it would be a success.

Flashback over

Louis's POV

" you're putting out you're light. And I miss you. Your firing up heart. And I wanna kiss you. But baby being with you is like chasing the clouds . And I miss you. I miss you" Sophia sang

" babay you call me you're light. And you throw me into darkness. How is this even right ?" Kate sang.

" the lyrics to the next song have been written by various people. One of them being Louis Tomlinson from one direction and Liam Payne. " Cheryl said and began blue skies.

" oh I still remember the day you told me that you had given up. And I felt my world collapse in icy shards. Never to be taped back up. Baby please help me. I'm losing you and I'm losing faith."

Kate sang trying  to do the hair flip move. Her legs were stumbling with the pain. 

" baby my blue sky didn't mean
That I forgave you
It mean that I was peaceful
And I was special
But you failed to notice thaat "
Cheryl went high.

Kate's leg was totally gone. I could see it from this far. I cringed looking at her stutter on stage. Who the hell gave her heels to wear ? Are they dumb?

The end of the 6th song , was also the end of Kate's leg. She stumbled with her mic and landed on the ground. A sickening sound , amplified a million times with the mic close to her leg went up. The audience gasped.

Kate's POV

I stumbled and fell down. I could hear my ears ringing with the pain and the crack. It was a clean break. No doctor had to tell me that. Pain shot through my leg and the thin long heel of my jimmy Choos cracked. My back arched in pain and I kept moaning.

" Kate are you alright ?" Sophia shrieked and ran towards me.

" Louis" I whispered

" huh? Babe I can't hear you " she said.

" Louis " I said my voice fainter and my leg spread out.

" here speak now "

Louis's POV

" Louis " I heard a faint whisper coming from Sophia's mic as she crouched near Kate.

" please just get Louis. I want Louis " she kept crying

" Louis " Sophia called out

" Sophia I am so stupid. I told him not to come. I hurt him " she whispered crying her heart out.

" wait lemme call him " she said and the behind the scenes lady came onto the stage.

I ran and jumped towards the stage pushing people as narrowly missed becoming a mess like Kate.

" hey dude watch it. You just pushed my girlfriend." A guy said

" sorry. But my girlfriend is up there in pain. " I said and continued running.

" dratted arena. Why do they have to make it so big " I said remembering the time I played here with the lads.

I ran onto the stage with security personnel trying to stop me.
" I'm Louis " I said arguing
" and I'm Mickey Mouse " the security guy replied
I removed my glasses and beanie.

" believe me now ?" I said desperately trying to get to Kate.

The entire crowd went ' Awwww'.
" so long Mickey " I said and ran up the stage.

" Louis " Kate whispered as I came near. I could see she was in pain. Her back was totally arched up and her good leg moved up and down.

" I'm here babe " I said smoothening out her hair.

" here " I eased her pain and removed the shoes , throwing them to the audience. I heard loud shrieks. The value of those shoes have gone up by nearly 50%.

" Were so sorry " Sophia , Cheryl and Julia kept telling the audience, playing small games with them till the stretcher arrived. Stupidly enough , the arena did not have one.

" here " Cheryl the her shoes to the closest fans. Sophia and Julia did the same. Then they called the shoe catchers up the stage and sang random songs.

" Louis sorry " she said , pressing her eyes together with pain

" hey it's okay "

" I was dumb " she said.

Not long later the stretcher came in and I settled down at the hospital for what would be a long long night.

L.O.V.E ( a Louis Tomlinson fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now