Second Ending: Reunions

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*Dakota’s POV*

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” I said as I turned off the engine.

I stared up at the small house. My old home, where everything use to be perfect before my parent’s divorce. I swallowed. A hand covered my own. “I’m not making you do anything. You’re choosing to do this.” He brought my hand up, kissing the back of it. “Plus, I thought we agreed that as long as I got to introduce you to my parents you would introduce me to your mother as your fiancé.”

I sighed some. “Well, your parents were a little more accepting to the idea.”

Louis smiled. “I think they know just how happy you make me. Now, come on, let’s prove to your mother just how strong of a girl you’ve become!”

He gave my hand a squeeze before opening the car door to step out. Seeing how I wasn’t moving he stuck his head in. “What’s the hold up?”

I stuck my tongue out before opening the driver’s side door. I stepped out, beginning to walk up toward the steps to the porch. Louis was right behind me as I walked up to the door. “I’m seriously regretting ever making that deal with you.” I said, staring at the door.

Louis gave me one of his little smiles before reaching ahead of me, pushing the button for the doorbell. We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. “Doesn’t look like anyone’s home.” I said quickly, ready to leave. Louis grabbed my arm, keeping me from moving. I pouted as we waiting for a moment.

The door slowly opened, revealing my mother’s face. She’s changed so much since the last time I’ve seen her. Her hair was full of gray and her face seemed more sullen and sunken in. I swallowed some. She stared down at me, taking in my looks. Looks of confusion flashed before her face before she finally recognized me. “Dakota.”

“Mom? Who is it?” I heard another familiar voice ask.

My brother, two years older than I was, someone who I haven’t seen since the last time I’ve seen my mother, stuck his head out, curious. His eyes landed on me, as if he knew who I was immediately. He came flying out the door and pulled me into a hug. “Sis!”

I could already feel the tears welling up in my eyes. “Bub…” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him and put my head to his shoulder.

I forgot just how tall my brother was whenever he set me on my feet. He must’ve gotten taller in my absence, he seemed to be about 6’6 now. A head and a half taller than me and a good head taller than Louis. “You must be Louis.” Bub said, reaching out to shake hands with him. “Thanks for calling before coming down.”

I blinked at him. “You called?”

“I had to warn somebody.” He shrugged. He offered a small smile. He looked up toward my mother, who just stood at the threshold, not saying anything.

He took a step forward, holding out a hand. “Hello, ma’am. I’m Louis Tomlinson. I’m not sure if you know me already, but it seems I’ve caused a stricken relationship between you and your daughter. What happened three years ago with that magazine, I take full responsibility. I was careless upon trying to take care of your daughter, but I learned my lesson then.”

“You were the boy on that cover?” She asked, staring down at his hand.

Louis seemed awkward holding his hand out like that, but he kept it there, determined for her to acknowledge him. “Yes, ma’am.”

“And you take full responsibility?”

Louis nodded, keeping his eyes on her. She cocked her head, ready for questioning. “Tell me, Mr. Tomlinson. Was anything in that magazine that was said true then?”

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