We are alone

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  I woke up in the same church.

The paint on the walls were worn, the pews bloodied and there was obvious evidence that the dead in here prayed for their lives and were killed days before our arrival.

My brother, my best friends and my lover are missing.

Well they are not the ones missing...I am. Oh and Sophia who is currently asleep on my lap.

She looks so innocent, this world hasn't damaged her, well not yet. I won't let anybody hurt her, I mean if being lost with someone in this world with walkers around you doesn't make you lifelong friends I don't know what will.

Sophia moves on my lap but she is still asleep....Its good somebody is.

I miss my brothers, Daryl would protect me....I promised I would never leave him and here I am, Merle my sound of reason, he may be a crackhead but he would die for the ones he loves and I hope that isn't the case at the moment.

I miss Jaz, even through this she still has hypermobility sydrome and is struggling through but she is my light, I miss the way she can make me laugh oh so easily and make me forget that my brother is gone and walkers are around us. I miss Beth, her advice on love is barmy but not as much as her love for Charlie Lenehan which is so out of control she insits we call them barlie (cute name actually) , I miss that she is so crazy she can out crazy me sometimes.

I miss Rick and his badass boy Carl. Rick, my love and with his eternal handsomeness can get through anything, he is a natural born leader and this is his environment, I miss looking at his sparkling blue eyes and wondering why Lori could cheat on a man so beautiful that it shocks me now. I miss the way Carl, my kiddo, is just so full of life, I didn't know him before this but he has changed he is strong not like Sophia but he could take on this world and with Rick they will make it through this.

I need a hug from Daryl and I know it but I don't know where he is?

If he is looking for me?

Or has he given up?

Sophia sits up and I see that she misses Carol.

I missed my mum when she died, I won't let Sophia go on like this, It will eat her up until there is no hope left.

"Come on" I announced grabbing her hand and getting up.

Sophia rubbed her eyes and asked "where?".

"We are gonna find our group" I say and her face lights up like a christmas tree.

We walk out of the church hand in hand into the wide, undead world.

"Do you think we will find them?" She asks.

"Yes, I do" I reply.

We continue walking down this long trail.

It seems forever until we come across this house with a barn next to it and the sight makes me cry along with Sophia.

"DARYL!" I cry as he looks up at me.

He runs faster than I have ever seen to get to us.

I see Carol come out of the house and start running and crying when she sees Sophia next to me.

When they get to us Carol hugs Sophia tight while Daryl full on picks me up.

Daryl spins me round whispering in my ear "Don't ever leave me again".

He has tears in his eyes and I can't help but say "I won't"

I see others come out of the house as they hear the comotion.

Rick comes out....with Lori in his arms and Carl by there side.

"Rose!" Carl yells running over.

"Hey kiddo" I say tears forming.

Daryl takes my hand and leads me off.

"Rose is sharing with me" He speaks gruffly.

"To hell she ain't" Jaz says walking over.

"Yeah, she just came back plus she is our bestie too!" Beth yells.

"Well she is my little sister!" Daryl argues.

I just stand there looking between them.

"Rose, we have to tell ya somat tho" Beth says solumly.

"Yeah" Jaz says looking at the floor.

"Jaz, you should say it" Beth replies.

"No you should!" Jaz argues.

"Will someone please tell me!" I yell drawing some attention to us.

"Rick 'nd that whore Lori are back together" They both said.

"Their reuion was rather loud" Beth added and Jaz shot her a look.

"How long" I ask the tears theatening to flow, but I am strong and tears are a sign of weakness, thats what my dad taught me.

"You don't wanna know" Jaz says as Daryl links my hand with his.

"Tell me!" I growl getting impatient.

"The day after you went missing" Jaz sadly replied.

I slumped down.

"I shouldn't 'ave forced ya together!" Beth cried.

"Beth shut up" Jaz said sitting on the nearest log and opened her arms.

I walked into her embrace, because Jaz doesn't give hugs that often and when she does they are the best in the world and the most comforting.

"I ain't gonna let 'im 'urt ya" Jaz promised.

"Ditto" Daryl said taking the seat next to us.

"Ditto times 3" Beth says sitting down next to us.

"Ya know what makes me feel better?" Beth asks.

"No" We all reply.

"Bars and melody" Beth chirped and we all slapped our four heads and laughed.

"Come on you, its late and ya have been walkin' loads, time fer rest" Daryl said tugging me towards his tent on the outskirts of the house.

I nodded and followed waving night to my friends.

As we entered and got ready Daryl came over to me.

"I will kill 'im if he tries to 'urt ya again" Daryl growled pressing a kiss to my temple.

I layed in my sleepin' bag.

"I know ya will....but I think Jaz would beat ya to it" I replied with a smirk.

Daryl scoffed and replied "Yer on".

We laughed until we finally closed our eyes and slept, it was not proper sleep as we were constantly keeping watch for walkers, but it was close.

I'm sorry that most of you's may hate Rick right now but to heck he is too hot to hate. Btw I watched Love Actually last night which he is in, totally swoon worthy if you ask me but hey if a dude does that to you, you marry them on the spot no matter if your married or not!!

Anyways many more chapters to go!!


Stay Tuned! x

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