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Prophetic dreams have always found a way to reach Lucille. They warn her of impending danger, show her the way through a dreadful moment and shine a light through the darkest of times.

When she was eight years old, a recurring dream of a voice calling out to her, urging her to go to the restricted section of their library, haunted her for weeks. When she finally gathered the courage to go there once and for all, an inexplicable spark led her to a book of magic. It shone like a beacon in a sea of obsolete and soon-to-be-discarded volumes. And for the years after, it remained to be the enlightening guide Lucille through her journey. It was this book that introduced her to her magical birth right; that taught her to hone her abilities; and helped her through nights when the world seemed indifferent, when it felt like those who are gifted are also cursed with isolation and loneliness.

The book was sentient, it had a mind and an identity of its own. Lucille can't always explain how or why, but the book speaks to her in ways best left unexplained. Right now, as Lucille held it in her hands, taking it to Rebecca to allow it to help her find answers the way it always did for Lucille, the book somehow seemed glad.

"Grimoire des Asters." Rebecca read aloud. The title, along with a central symbol which she could only describe as a stylized cluster of flowers and stars, were carved intricately onto its thick brown cover. When Rebecca's fingertips touched the book, a surge of power ran down her entire body. The book connected to her the way a mother connects to her offspring. It welcomed her home.

"It recognizes you." Lucille said in amazement.

It seemed absurd to Rebecca how a book could recognize people, but with the power she felt from it, she understood exactly what Lucille meant. "It recognizes Lilian, not me."

"No, it recognizes you, Rebecca..." It felt weird for Lucille to call her daughter a different name, "It was never like this with Lilian."

This comment made Rebecca smile. It's nice to know at least one thing recognizes her; when she, herself, was unsure of who she really was. She stroked the leather cover and almost instantly, a soft wind breezed past her face. It was the book flipping itself open. Rebecca looked at Lucille for an explanation, but she just smiled and motioned for her to keep watching.

It fell open to a page entitled 'To Seek Mnemosyne's Aid'. There was a handwritten verse and a list of things, but what caught Rebecca's attention was the spread illustration. It was a painting of a silhouette of a woman with nine rays of light extending from a halo on her head. It was so captivating, Rebecca didn't notice she was holding her breath until Lucille spoke.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Rebecca exhaled. "Is this a book of spells?" She asked.

"Among other things." Lucille replied. "The closest I can describe it is a journal of all the Asters Witches before me, a record of their lives with magic. It's basically what family is to me. It has spells, potions, Information on a bunch of supernatural beings to avoid or to seek for help. Right now it's teaching you, telling you to seek the Goddess Mnemosyne's aid."

"Really?' I can call on goddesses for help?" Rebecca exclaimed. The older woman smiled and nodded.

"We can only 'ask' for their help. It's up to them to listen to us or ignore us completely. But since the grimoire specifically lead us to this page, it is worth a try."

Lucille glanced at the book and Rebecca turned it around so the woman could read better. "The incantation addresses you in the third person. That means I will be doing the summoning." She smiled at Rebecca. There's something in using magic this way again that lift's Lucille's spirits up.

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