Train Ride Torture

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A/N - pic has nothing to do with chapter. I just liked it.



"Lu-chan! C'mon, it's time to go!"

"Huh? Ah!" Lucy shot straight up.

Levy was sitting on the edge of her bed. "Let's go, sleepyhead. The train leaves in half an hour." She giggled.

"R-right." Lucy quickly got ready and the two girls walked to the train station.

"How come you slept in that much?" Levy asked.

Lucy sighed. "I'm used to a certain someone bursting in and causing a huge racket. He's more reliable than an alarm clock. Plus, I was really excited, so it was hard to fall asleep."

Levy nodded her understanding and they arrived at the station to find most of the guild already there. Wendy was talking excitedly to Juvia, Jet and Droy were horsing around, Erza was sitting quietly on a bench with Master (he'd had a talk with her and she didn't have her usual mountain of luggage), Mira had a clipboard and was counting everyone who arrived, Elfman was yelling at Gray to put his clothes back on, Laxus was leaning against a wall looking sleepy with his Thunder Tribe grouped near him, and Natsu was talking to...Lisanna?!

Lucy looked down, feeling a little twinge of...something, she wasn't sure what. But she didn't like it, that was for sure. Levy patted her arm in sympathy and the pair walked the opposite way to talk to Juvia and Wendy.

"Hello Lucy-san and Levy-san."

"Juvia is surprised that Love Rival and Levy are one of the last one's here."

"It took me longer than I thought to sort what books I wanted." Levy giggled.

"I slept in." Lucy said with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, good morning Gajeel and Lily!" Levy called to the pair who had just strolled in.

"Good morning." Lily called back while Gajeel just grunted, looking cranky. He must not be a morning person...

"Ha! I was here before Ice Princess and Metal Moron!" Natsu gloated.

"Shut the hell up, Salamander!" Gajeel and Gray hollered back and immediately a fist fight began.

"Enough!!" Erza snapped and the trio cowered on the ground at her feet.

"Hello, Wendy."

"Good morning, Romeo-kun." Wendy's cheeks had the tiniest hint of pink to them as the boy walked over. "L-looks like it'll be nice today." Did I really just start talking about the weather?

"Yeah, and you'd know too."


"You've got sky dragon powers so you can predict the weather, right?"

"Um..." Wendy was saved from having to give an explanation when Mira walked over.

"Romeo, is your dad here somewhere?"

"Yeah, he and Wakaba are over there." The boy answered, pointing him out.

"Alright, so Cana and Guildarts just arrived, Alzack's family is here...." Mira mumbled, scribbling on her clipboard. "Ok, we're only missing one person and Erza's keeping the idiots under control, good! Phew!" Mira pretended to wipe her forehead. "Organizing Fairy Tail is like herding cats."

"Why are you herding us?" Happy commented, flying over.

"No, it's just an expression."

"What does it mean?"

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