French greetings questions

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Watch the video on the top to see that there is normally an informal way and formal way, we have used a mixture of both see if you can work them out! On this page we have translated the question then gave you the answer in italic so it is clearer to see

How are you: comment allez-vous
Fine: ca va, well: ca va bien, not well: pas mal, not good: bof!
What is your name: quel est votre nom?
My name is: ja m'appelle .....
Where do you live: Où habitez-vous
I live: je vis or j'habite
How old are you:quel âge as-tu
I am... : j'ai ..... ans

Common question starters
Who: qui
Are: sommes
Where: Où
Why: pourquoi
Which: laquell
How: comment

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