I walked into highschool, freezing. All of me felt numb. Even though it was almost 80° outside. I sighed in frustration as my hair continued to fall into my eyes no matter how many clips I used. I threw it up into a quick ponytail, no longer caring how I looked.
I continued to walk looking for room 213. I asked the upperclassmen who seemed amused that I couldn't find my way. I just rolled my eyes and followed this tall guy whose name was apparently Zack. His tall figure made it nearly impossible to be sure where we were even going. "Uhm. Yea where exactly is my classroom?"
He chuckled in reply " Slow your roll Blondie. We're almost there."
I sighed and followed him and his very untied shoes.We went up a small flight of stairs and then another before finally landing on the second floor. On the way up i accidentally stepped on one of his shoelaces which sent us both rocketing up the stairs. He stopped a couple stairs up, unlike i who continued my battle with gravity and fell back down the stairs. When i had finally gotten back on my feet he was waiting for me at the top of the stairs.such a gentleman asking if i need help; I thought to myself. He walked me over to the classroom and said,
"here it is! Mr. Jankins room. Hey, I uh, never got your name." And he smiled. I shot him a glare.
"And you never will," I smiled wickedly." Thanks for the help though. I appreciate it." Then I walked inside. Ugh people.
My first hour class dragged on for ages, the entire period consumed by his monotone orientation. I wanted to strangle him so badly just so I could freaking leave. I hate math. Also orientation. I hated them both. And that's how my day started.Next hour was different. It was English. My favorite subject. I Love writing. Add that to the fact my teacher was hilarious, made it instantly my favorite class. He also gave us a form of orientation but he made it fun. He went around the room and had all of us give our names and another word with the same beginning letter as our name. Simple right? Except, my name is Emma. What starts with E? Elephant? Yea not happening. Ending? Uuhmm no. Entrance? Yeaa no. Endure...? Hmm yes. That's the perfect one. The teacher looked at me with a hopeful expression. I shot him a slight smile and said,
"Emma, and uh endure." He smiled. Like he knew I had thought it through to match my personality.Unfortunately, the bell rang and i was forced to leave. I packed up my things and begrudgingly made my way to third period. The dreaded p.e. oh joy I thought to myself as I walked along. So many people, so much energy. Just so much happening all at once. I was baffled by it all when my body decided to show its glory(again) and cause me to trip and run full force into someone. I fell backwards onto my butt and began to stand up to apologize.
"Hey whoa steady there. Wheres the fire princess?" My jaw dropped and I swear I started to drool a little. PULL IT TOGETHER EMMA! I yelled at myself. I closed my jaw and looked at him and blushed. "S-sorry. I wasn't look-looking where I was going." I stuttered at him. He smiled almost causing me to faint. His striking blue eyes seemed to look into my very soul.
"Ha no worries. You be careful now beautiful. Wouldn't want anything happening to that pretty face of yours."
He helped me up, then walked away, leaving me to let heart flutter and to grin like the Cheshire cat.The rest of the day flew by like it had never even begun. My thoughts were involuntarily consumed by the boyishly handsome guy who I bumped into in the hallway. I just HAD to know who he was! Just.. one problem. I knew no one. I've moved so many times, and I had no friends here. So.. I guess it'll be one heck of a treasure hunt. The only think I knew was that he was tall, had dark black hair, and eyes of windows that opened my heart and made me lose all sanity.
The final bell eventually rang, causing havoc in the hearts of all the teenagers stuffed into the building. Some running some tripping some even kissing. I just rolled my eyes and stepped outside to wait for the bus. We waited out by the softball and baseball fields. The sun shone bright burning my skin and all my black clothing taking the challenge and absorbing even more heat causing me to want to dive into an ice cube. It took almost thirty minutes for the bus to get there and another ten to get me home. I walked in to see my Mom smiling. She hadn't smiled in a long time.
"Hi Emma! How was your first day of high school?"
I smiled weakly at her. "Long. Boring. The usual. What about you?"
She laughed and told me a story about her new job at the bakery. She absolutely loved baking and hadn't done it in a long time. Maybe this move was for the better. She seemed so happy. "I'm glad youre happy mom." I hugged her. I felt her hug me back. "I'm glad too." She whispered.I guess not all change Is bad...