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Omg, today has been the worst day ever in my 14 years of life. It all started when when I over slept because I set my alarm clock for 8:30. When my alarm rang and I took a moment to hold in my anger at myself  and jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, washed my hair and put it in a laid my edges all under 10 minutes. I ran to the dirty basement when my sister lives and  had to beg her for 10 minutes to drive me to school (since I missed my bus, my dad had a meeting and my mom was catering a party), she finally gave in and drove me to my high school Midtown Crescent High School. Everything seemed alright when I came to school I came on time and went to first period English class (shoot I didn't do my homework) near the end of that class there was an announcement on the P.A "Would Audrey James go to the front office".I went to the office and my dad told me the worst news I could hear "Audrey, I have been offered the head of neurosurgery position in San Francisco hospital". In that moment I felt like my whole world was falling apart I burst into tears right there on the spot. I had to leave my friends and my school. My best friend Mia was siting in a office chair and already knew, I ran into her arms and hugged not wanting to let go but I knew I had to. My dad gave me a cardboard box to go to my locker and collect my thing Mia came along and tried to explain that we would FaceTime each other everyday and she sorta made me feel a bit better (Why am I lying, I wanted to cry again). I felt pain in my chest as I took down all the pictures from my locker and into the box. We hugged one last time and I could tell she was crying too and felt my tears on her shoulder. I couldn't stand losing my best friend. She headed to Mr.Gilbus's math class and I headed through the double doors forever leaving my school.

Scarlett James : The High School DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now