First Day Of High School

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The dreadful day has arrived, today was the day that I would have my first day of high school without my friends. I'm kinda nervous but like I know everything in high school. there are two cliques that are most popular and rule he school they're the queen Bs and the jocks. The others are nerds, the dramas, the gothic and the hipsters. I just really dnt want to be a social outcast. I really rally want to fit in so I anted to look cute so I wore a blue romper with white wedges. Then I had a thought, I'm in highschool and I have a bag of makeup that I never wear. I think you could have guessed what I did next. I tried on midnight blue eyeliner (that compliment my brown poop colour eyes) ,some mascara, filled in my eyebrow, added som foundation cuz God thinks it's fair to give me acne🙄. I went downstairs to eat breakfast really fast because I was late and I slipped in the bathroom as I ran to get my hair tie and I just stood there thinking could my life get any worse and it did I was now 12 minutes late for school. The outside looked Chilli so I wore my white cardigan and I finally made it out of the house (btw I had to leave my hai open and now by long curls will be buggin me through class Ughhhh) and ran to my school which was 15 minutes away. I finally reached the entrance of the school and went to the main office, they said someone was to guide me to my class and oh boy someone finally came down just my luck it was Jayla Newton, the snobby *%$!& I met at my school. He reaction was this "Ewww I have to ask you to class, please stay at least 10 feet away from me or else". I reacted like this "aw gladly Hun cuz if if I come at least 10 feet I'm probably gonna choke to death from that perfume *cough cough*, I dnt think ur supposed to take a bath in it". And she said " Stay away from me or I'll make ur life hell kina". " It's Kiara (what kind of name is kina did she leave her brain in the bathtub of perfume she soaked in) spaghetti eyebrows" I said. "Shut up how bout that" she yelled.
"How bout u go home cuz obviously school ain't teachin u nothing" and we argued and yelled back and forth. Like what a b***h.

To be continued✨

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