Zenia gets bad dreams part 1

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Zenia was in her house, in her room and she was sleeping. She rolled around and tried to make herself comfortable but she can't still sleep. Then finally she went to sleep and had a bad dream
----Bad Dream---

She was standing in the city, and she was fighting along the Rangers. A monster with turtle eyes and a turtle short tail. The monster chuckled and spoke "I will get Tori, the blue ranger!" The monster tried to shoot Tori but Zenia pushed her away and took the hit.

She was laying on the ground while blood was coming out of her wound. The Rangers gathered around her. Tori was sobbing hard and Shane had a sad look on his face. Zenia's sights got dizzy. Then she spoke a word "Don't worry I will be watching you guys always." with a faint smile on her face.

Then her sights went black then she was walking toward the light. She reached for it slowly. She looked behind and saw the Rangers crying. She used her power to create a ice statute. The statute was Zenia and the Rangers laughing together.

---Bad Dream ended---

Zenia woke up suddenly with sweat on her face. She rubbed her eyes and began to think about it. Then she kept awake for the rest of night. Tori was awake and was began to get ready for their training.

While Zenia got dressed and brushed her teeth then she fixed her hair in a ponytail. She walked downstairs with big circles under her eyes and yawned. Tori asked her "You are not sleeping well I take it?" Zenia nodded and walked to Tori's van.

Tori drove Zenia to their secret headquarters while Hunter,Blake,Dustin and Shane was there getting ready for their training. Zenia walked in and said a quick greeting to them.

Blake and Hunter noticed there were circles under her eyes and asked "Are you okay?" Zenia yawned and said "I haven't getting enough sleep." Then suddenly, the alarm blared.

Cam ran to the computer and spoke "Get ready to kill the monster!" Then they got into their ranger forms. Zenia knew she was going to die.

To be Countined
A/N oops I left you guys hanging on a cliffhanger hehe!

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